
Little A, Little B. We've seen him constantly postpone having a frank conversation about whether or not they are going to have A Real Relationship again.

or a makeout sesh

When you only have $70 left to get you to…somewhere…buying bottled water seems like a poor choice.

Vanasse's coy smiles and Kelli Garner's SKY SPY were the only good parts of that terrible show.

Or not trusting the government to run healthcare, but trusting them to run the murdermachine military.

Yeah, but it's a good trick, so who cares!?

I like how Carrie knows that she is a little crazy but also has no patience for people trying to help her. She is just lucid enough to know she wants to get out of her hole, but not lucid enough to realize it's not just a matter of flipping a switch.

Agreed, Saul definitely plays the long game.  It's harsh & paternalistic, but I truly believe that believes that he's shutting Carrie up for her own good.

I think that Saul was just frustrated.

Thorazine's a hell of a drug.

damn, that's hot

The Good Guys was so dang funny.  I was really upset when it got the ax.  And Jenny Wade is both delicious and funny.

It really threw me off when a notification for this reply showed up in my email….

It really threw me off when a notification for this reply showed up in my email….

me too, I mean, I'm quasi-agnostic and I still dig what he's doing

Popetato chips, mmmm

Chloe was…..intense.  O__O

Anna Kendrick is a lightweight and many scenes used actual beer, so I think she got a little too Method.  (Acting, not Man.)

It's really good, though.  Earnest and endearing.  Plaza tones down the snark a tad from Parks & Rec (though not 100%).

Rachel Getting Married was really insufferable, too