
While I appreciate the attempt at adding some Mandalorian dialogue (love or hate Traviss, you can't deny the language was a good contribution to the EU), good lord were those accents bad. I was hoping for something along the lines of Twi'lek Syndulla delivery, but I guess that's too much to ask of Tiya Sircar.

Agreed. She was neither equipped nor well-suited to being put on the legacy books. The commando books however were excellent. She did an incredible job at adding more depth and complexity to a group of characters that lent itself to the scale of the prequel framework, and she did it with a surprisingly deep

Was I the only one disappointed with this episode? It's certainly one of the most ambitious episodes the show has attempted, but the drama felt incredibly stilted to me, particularly Sabine's exposition dump rant at the end.

It's like the droids said — they haven't really figured out what his role is. Sadly, the same can be said for Disney trying to figure out what to do with this show…

Some of my favorite moments in the Thrawn trilogy were just watching Thrawn observe dogfights and pick apart the different formations. I would love to see that happen on this show. It's hard to say whether they've gotten Thrawn right or wrong until they actually do something with him. This was a nice first step, but

I gave it a B+. One of the best episodes of the show is a bit of a stretch, although certainly one of the best of this season (not that that's saying much).

Oh, I'm not arguing. The whole point Mandalorians became popular in the first place was because fans of the original movie were like, "hey that guy looks pretty cool." But still, my point stands — you have to go out of your way to make a character in that same mould and make her as boring/frustrating to watch as

Those are all characters that originated in the cartoons. No characters that the creative team did not themselves create have been handled with any level of nuance.

There's a big difference in using characters like Rau and Saxon for the guest of the episode, and tying one of your principle lead characters to someone from the EU. Like I said, I'd love to be wrong, but I'll believe it when I see it. ;)

Honestly, as much as that would be cool, I have no faith that this show has the balls to follow through with continuity that far. I would love to be proven wrong, but I've followed the Filoni/Kinberg approach to these cartoons since the beginning, and nothing I've seen convinces me they would do that. :(

Honestly, this episode kinda embodies everything wrong with the prequels. It crams way too much into too little time, and dilutes the story even further by insisting on superfluous (albeit beautiful) action sequences, and touches on incredibly engaging storylines in the most shallow way possible.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that heard it that way.

Canon is, by _definition_, not a matter of opinion, subject to personal feelings, or fluid. The whole point of a canon is to standardize and agree upon a continuing, cohesive narrative.

Thanks, guys. Now I can't stop picturing battle droids with foreskins… >.<

More than a little annoying. It frustrates me to no end that Filoni and Kinberg seem well-meaning when they constantly name-drop all this EU stuff, but then half-ass it like this with only the most superficial of approaches.

Correction for the Stray Observations: I'm pretty sure Steven says "You're up against the world's greatest _trapping_ technologies."

Yeah, that was a cartoon-wolverine level of silliness right there. I don't seem to recall lightsaber violence being this avoided in the clonewars..

It's nice to see a DC property break very squarely out of the Nolan mold. As much as I love POI, I hope this show has a long future.

But then Kallus would forever be plagued by Zuko-style paranoia, always wondering whether Darth Vader is gonna accidentally stumble into any survivors and then axe him for it… ;) better to see it done personally.

Palicki is pregnant, which is why her rehab is probably going to be a season-long thing, which is another reason why they're likely padding out the Simmons drama — they're trying to provide more time to really establish Bobbi's dynamic as being part of the "home team" science monkeys.