Ian Balls


Oh shit, there's a torch fight? I might be back on board now.

I liked BWWWAAAAAHHHHH in Inception, but yeah, it's getting played out.

That's how I open every date.

The first cut of this was set on a bus I heard.

That's the exact vibe I'm getting for this movie.

P.S. The girl who stayed in your hometown is married with kids. She's not just hot and single and ready to hang out with the divorced guy.

Well how nice for all of them.

HA! Holy shit, my mind went to a dirty place.

I agree. It seems like this is driving her to do something bad to get to the truth, or that she's at least going to be faced with a tough decision.

I'm thinking something about how one of the good guys can't save themselves and do good at the same time?

That's a great parallel and exactly what he's doing.

Whoa, I don't recall that Chaz Nygard sex scene. Might have to rewatch the opener.

From the first episode and the flashbacks it seems like he and Pearl's relationship had been going to shit for quite some time. Obviously, I'm not saying that justifies his actions, but that he maybe had wanted to do what he did for some time and he's relieved by it. Now all he's left with is this game to see if he

Yeah, how the hell did he fuck that up twice in an hour?

You would be forgiven if you were distracted by Rachel Blanchard in that scene,

YES! Forgot to include that even as I mentioned it below. That fake confession was incredible.

That snowstorm scene from last episode made me think that one of them is gonna get it though. Gus is too much of a bumbling fool and Molly too sweet. One of them will make it, but at the cost of the other.

That the episode included:
1) The Fargo office massacre
2) Key and Peele as FBI agents
3) The closing shot of Molly freaking out in the snow

Yeah, I just looked it up: