Ian Balls

What the hell just happened?

That was my exact reaction to the trailer too.

The second one gets a lot of crap, but numbers 3 and 4 are pretty damn solid action flicks. I personally make a point to see each of these movies in the theater. And I hardly ever go to the theater.

So two hot girls come to his place, have sex with him then murder him? Doesn't sound so bad.

The classic example of making a sequel that's overloaded with plot and characters and budget.

I also loved him in that movie. I also don't think I have any desire to see it again.


I think the distinction here is that they made a movie (from what I know) explicitly about assassinating Kim Jong Un.

I've been wondering the same thing ever since I first heard the issues with this movie. You couldn't make a movie about killing Obama, right?

With complete and total sincerity I say

I lasted 30 seconds before I lost it. This could be used as a torture method.

And when Walt bought Walter Junior a cool car he just had to blow it up.

I was/am a Breaking Bad fanatic, but I still have no idea how I feel about this show existing. This was a cool clip though as it looks like the look and tone of the show are similar.

I admire your restraint.

And they didn't even get mentioned in this post. That makes me feel old and shitty. The song isn't awful, but not great to be sure. I really loved Further from a few years ago, so I thought they might still have gas left in the tank.

I was at that concert and they closed with "New York, I love you…" It was epic and kinda melancholy too. Probably the most fitting way to end the night.

This needs more upvotes.

Same thing happened to me. We went out all of college and for little while after. Then we broke up less than a year after moving to a new city together.

Me too. It's amazing:

Wow…emotionally reassuring is actually a very good way of describing pajama pants.