Ian Balls

Anyone know what "Who Shaves The Barber?" is a reference to?

"I can only say I'm sorry so many times, honey!"

I know he's still basically doing a William H. Macy/Jerry Lundegard impression, but he's doing a heckuva job at it.

They explained the fish at the beginning when Chaz' wife was watching the news: a tornado came about as part of the snowstorm and picked up a bunch of fish from a lake and threw them everywhere. So…yeah.

Looked like he almost did. I could have done without seeing Lester's vinegar strokes.

Yeah, that was some coldblooded shit. I thought he might play dumb and have all the evidence he planted be a surprise to him. But watching how far down the rabbit hole he was willing to go was awesomely creepy.

That was such a brilliant surprise. And I had heard they were going to be on too, but it was so late in the episode when they finally showed up that I had forgotten by that point, so it came as a surprise again. I don't know what they're going to do with those characters, but I'm enjoying the little bit we've gotten

God damn, those ABC Family bastards. My ex was a huge Harry Potter fan, but I just never read or watched any of them. And we'd be flipping around and ABC Family ALWAYS is playing one of them. I had to learn to avoid that part of the channel guide completely.

Yeah, they totally do. I had a very strange experience a couple months ago when I nodded off on the couch while watching a regular movie and was awoken to the sounds of a woman moaning. I looked around my apartment then stared at the TV for a couple minutes while trying to figure out what the hell was going on

I would beg to differ on the Jackie Robinson point.

It does make sense!

It would be hard to tell a kid his age not to take the chance to make all this money and be famous. But, I agree with you completely. While he may not have asked to be this trailblazer he is for the time being.


Yeah, it was weird even if it had been used before.

The definition of insanity.

We couldn't as a society even go through with How I Met Your Dad being a thing, so there's no way there's a 24 post Jack Bauer.

I think this show has a place. But I see what you mean. They had Tough Crowd back in the day which was pretty much exactly what you're talking about and my memories of it aren't that great.

Yeah, that's exactly it. If you see someone you like is on that night then you'll like that episode. Simple as that.

I think that's it. We usually get some sympathy and then eventually get to the bad puns and whatnot. But we went to Scooby-Doo jokes right away.

Thank you.