Ian Balls

I'm not sure I could handle Gaffigan harnessing that inner turmoil and darkness. It might change him too much for me.

I completely agree. I in no way meant that as an insult. Marc Maron said something similar that when he wants to just laugh he listens to Brian Regan.

I think I hate the ending of Chasing Amy more than the ending of HIMYM.

That would have been awesome. With a Sports Illustrated under his arm or something.

You didn't absolutely fucking love the rhyming episode?

I hate that we're discussing this again, but fuck it, here we go…

I watched this on TV last night and really enjoyed it. As the review states he's still mining a lot of the same material (namely food and being unhealthy), but it still works. He's not challenging you too much, but its still very enjoyable.

Definitely the top question for any 24 fan: when was that last time Jack took a shit?

Yeah, I feel his hit-miss ratio is still just high enough for him to get the benefit of the doubt.

He's just doing this to get out of taking salsa lessons.

It would be my honor to have their trash fall on my head.

Seriously. Both this and A Most Wanted Man look awesome and he looks awesome in them.

I legitimately cry at that scene every time.

They could have had Jerry and George move to California to begin working on the show, but Seinfeld never really had happy endings, so the them being in jail kinda fits.

This magic is not without cost!

What's a letter?

No, that stuff is still in there. It just ends the episode before the mother dying and Ted's kids convincing him to go ask out Robin.

House Of Cards did it!

I always thought of it this way too. He wouldn't ever actually explain something like all of Barney's playbook in detail or "bang bang, bangety bang bang" to his kids.

I didn't hate the episode, but it didn't really advance the story at all, so considering it came in the final season and they shoehorned in what they did in the last 3 minutes of the finale I'm left to hindsight of things they could have done differently. Again, at the time it aired I was ok with it, this is all