Ian Balls

Read the comment sections for a review of the finale on any fucking website. Read almost any review written by a professional critic. Jesus fucking Christ.

They didn't have enough time. They HAD to get that rhyming episode in.

The A.V. Club

How many cats do you have?

How so?

It's not really a magic baby. The fact that Barney hadn't gotten a girl pregnant before was magic.

Yeah, how/why the hell would someone take the time to read about the finale and comment on it when they haven't seen any of the show including the finale? And then take the contrarian point of view too. What an asshole.


I actually liked the finale up until the last 3 minutes or whatever. This clip here is exactly what I would have wanted.

Yes, that's what it is. To repeat what I commented yesterday, I don't totally hate WHAT they did, but I do have a problem with HOW they did it.

Just saw it last night and I feel it's the perfect length. It's out of freaking control the entire time and I never got bored.

He had one day to retirement.

There was even a Siri reference. What the hell.

Or The Ring.

I can get behind this. I don't really hate WHAT happened, but I'm not totally happy with exactly HOW it happened.

But I think that's the exact reason he IS so lucky. The ratio of star power/looks to hotness of their wife is out of control for Arend.

I'm shocked you used his name and not "Christina Hendrick's husband" or "the schnozzberry guy from Super Troopers".

Why don't you take a break for a few.

I just saw This Is 40 and my running thought was that she's no doubt hot, but she barely looks like a real human being, as if she was put together in a factory.