Adam Clarke

I came to the same conclusion while exploring Devo's catalogue not that long ago. I'd argue that the band peaked with Oh No, It's Devo (others might place that one or two albums earlier), but was appalled by how spotty Shout, Total Devo and Smooth Noodle Maps were. While most dump on SNM as the band's absolute nadir,

I came to the same conclusion while exploring Devo's catalogue not that long ago. I'd argue that the band peaked with Oh No, It's Devo (others might place that one or two albums earlier), but was appalled by how spotty Shout, Total Devo and Smooth Noodle Maps were. While most dump on SNM as the band's absolute nadir,

The trouble with Generations (Ok, there are way too many things wrong with Generations) was that the Nexus plot didn't require (and perhaps shouldn't have used) Kirk at all. In my review of the film, I suggested that you could've replaced a dinosaur like Kirk with an actual dinosaur and nothing would have changed.

The trouble with Generations (Ok, there are way too many things wrong with Generations) was that the Nexus plot didn't require (and perhaps shouldn't have used) Kirk at all. In my review of the film, I suggested that you could've replaced a dinosaur like Kirk with an actual dinosaur and nothing would have changed.

"I thought it was apartment 304" - a clever nod to the seemingly last-minute switch in episode order with Competitive Ecology.

Blah Blah Blah Suicide Sad Blah
I don't often use the term, but Martyrs is pretentious—and that's possibly the only thing memorable about it. While the review rightly comments on how confused the story's position on torture as the film progresses, it's just a meaningless, bleak piece of shit. It's a travesty that this

As elected God-King of Canada, I'm afraid that you have been banned from our lush greenery and sunny beaches.

Hurwitz must constantly secrete flop-sweat judging by his babbling here ("Did I mention Cocoon? I didn't do that! I'm not rich! FLAVIN!").

The moon effects looked perfectly normal on the beat-up old VHS I used to rent. Seeing the remastered print via the Anchor Bay collector's tape was an eye-opener. It's a bluescreen job so bad it wouldn't have been out of place on Gareth Merenghi's Darkplace. I find it delightfully charming.

Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Snyder
Tasha, were you ever tempted to conduct the interview you like this…

Every now and then an episode's commercial breaks would indeed feature an appearance from Capt Newfoundland and Capt Canada.

When Ape Die, Even Bart Cry
This was the very episode that made me a fan of The Simspons so many years ago as it aired on a disreputable channel in Newfoundland. While the timing of many of these episodes are not quite up to the show's best years, it's a magnificent season and an improvement on its sometimes clunky

Pure Evil
"If you like Dave Foley reacting to things…"

Hey, Rabin…
I haven't been able to watch the show in some time, but I enjoy the reviews of SNL old and new. However, I've always felt SNL was at its best when it had a strong sense of biliousness (as it did in the seventies) or the SCTV-inspired sillyness of the Carvey/Hartman/Lovitz era. When was the last time the

Terrible news
This would be terrible news, if it were 1980-1984. Nowadays, the only thing sadder than missing an Echo and the Bunnymen concert is *seeing* an Echo and the Bunnymen concert.

WWYND's is the best one. Well done!

Also, I took torture porn to mean "characters locked up in a room and tortured" as the central point of a movie. As such, your Hostels, Saws and Martyrs applied. To a degree, you could say this type of film had its roots in the previously fashionable (at in horror filmmakers circles) extreme horror subgenre of the

Sleepaway Camp and a nebulous term
"Innocent" is the perfect way to describe Sleepaway Camp in spite of its whackadoo ending and sexual overtones. If a viewer catching the flick on television had missed the opening sequence and its rather infrequent murder sequences, they'd be a liable to think it was a comedy-drama

Excellent review
In this film, as with any other he appeared in, Donald Pleasence is the absolute highlight. His snippy performance makes me glad I own this on VHS.

Mr Tadakichi = well, if you feel that way, why are you even reading the AV Club if none of this stuff was meant to be brilliant? That said, your assertion that "The Prisoner" was not an honest attempt to create something brilliant, thoughtful and different is completely misguided.