Adam Clarke

It's very much like the ending of "The General", but that wa's a more forgiveable cliche. McGoohan working up the crowd—a crowd who *loathed* him—in a murderous(?) frenzy in a minute and a half? Making a tired, somewhat thoughtless point about the fallibility of computers is one thing, but people turning on a dime

Inadequate! Inadequate!
It must be said, though the first half of "A Change Of Mind" is brilliant—the "I'm inadequate! Inadequate! Inadequate!" scene being the highlight)—it sort of devolves into an incoherent mess at the end. 6 convincing the, erm, Village People that it was 2 who was truly unmutual is downright

"Chosen" to watch FG? What a terrible, terrible destiny.

I rather like Colin Gordon's Number Two (he was my favourite when I was a kid, although I tend to lean towards McKern, Mary Morris and It's Your Funeral's foppish Derren Nesbitt). He's kind of a poor man's Vincent Price and, have you noticed that he fails (IMO) to do the opening titles exchange

The film is so delightfully campy that it rises well above its brethren. I lovve that the strict librarian even scares the voice on the P.A. into whispering.

I love The Schizoid Man like Zack Handlen loves semi-colons
"The Schizoid Man" is one of my absolute favourites in the series. I mean, the basic premise would be little more than a reworked "Evil Twin" plot in lesser hands, but the way the script plays with questions of identity, and McGoohan's terrific performance

The middle segment
I always tend to imagine the denouement to Trilogy's second story as being performed in the most stilted, am-dram manner possible: "it was the WORST case of SPLIT PERSONALITY I have ever seeeeeeeeeeen!"

You can call me Smimmy
What an excellent addition to the classic TV Club! Newsradio has been one of my top 3 TV programs since discovering it in its third season. I held on to the end and, I have to say, I love all five years.

You don't suppose that the ass shots in Shin Chan are fanservice?

fsdfsd = adding nothing to the conversation but lame trolling since he had the misfortune of being born.

While the show is certainly repetitive—the Sontaran two-parter and PiC were nothing new*—I think season 4 has a lot more conviction than Tennant's previous two seasons. Aside from the premiere, I don't think the scripts have been poor and I found most of seasons 2 and 3 to be a bit crap.

Nice review
I do agree that Donna, aside from her grating appearance in the Xmas special, is being written as a legitimately likable companion. The only trouble is that Catherine Tate is not that great of an actress and can be cringe-inducing when she overplays the material (look at the "silent conversation" scene in

Nice review
I do agree that Donna, aside from her grating appearance in the Xmas special, is being written as a legitimately likable companion. The only trouble is that Catherine Tate is not that great of an actress and can be cringe-inducing when she overplays the material (look at the "silent conversation" scene in

4…for Zack
I come to the A.V. Club expecting an excellent book review. ZACK HANDLEN DELIVERS!

RTD Antipathy (again)
While Justin Rivers summed it up quite nicely, I don't think there is an "old vs. new" divide as the first season of the show met with near universal acclaim and I would rank it with most episodes of the "classic" series. It's not as simple as older fans being bitter much as Russell T. Davies'