Ace the Bat-Hound

I wanted to be pointed to amusing bits. Thanks, Wes. Idiot Abroad looks entertaining.

I have yet to see or hear a clip of the show (the Ricky Gervais Show, not Idiot Abroad) that is more than slightly funny. Gervais squelches all of the funny with his braying laughter and repeating whatever Karl just said with his "are you 'avin a laugh" voice.

Chihuahua = Ren
Ameriacan poet = e.e. (thanks for the assist, Tallgordan)
French peak = Mont
earthenware bowl = an oya is a widemouth pot used for cooking stew.

I trust Tasha Robinson's reviews, generally, but I haven't trusted Kieth Phipps ever since the B- for Inglourious Basterds.

I haven't seen Moonstruck…
…but I have listened to it while my roommates watched it in the other room. This scene cracked me (and my roommates) up. I guess it's supposed to be dramatic? I feel like it's absurd and hilarious. He lost his hand. He ain't no freakin' monument to justice! I think the scene is funny.

Slylock Fox! Get it right!

Minneapolis is nice because it is fairly symmetrical, large enough to be impressive, and small enough to fit within your field of vision when you are approaching it on the interstate. Back when I lived in Minnesota, the Minneapolis skyline made me think of the city of Oz whenever I drove toward it on I-35. Now I

Space Doctor!
When the BSG reboot was on the air, I wanted a spin-off focusing on the cigarette-smoking doctor.

"Midnight" is scary, but I think it only works if you've seen enough of the show to know how a Doctor Who episode is usually structured.

I find Castle to be a totally watchable show, but one that is impossible to get all fannish over. But given the fact that firefly fans will watch anything with any of that show's alumni (see also: Chuck), I'm not suprised that there is a Castle fandom. And there is Ryan/Esposito slash (I just checked).

I think I liked Hatred more this episode partially because pedophilia didn't come up once. It's an established part of his character, and (hopefully) it won't be brought up as much this half-season, since last half-season sort of beat the whole pedophile thing into the ground.

Really, Ebert? 1851 London?
Because there's nothing like living in London during the era of cholera epidemics and open sewers, I guess.

I'm pretty sure that the evolution-creationist debate is no longer about facts (if it ever was), but about conservative Christians feeling marginalized and threatened by modernity and choosing angry debates polemics as a way to stay relevant.

The Hyundai placement is even more distracting, IMO, because it means that the Charger doesn't get screen time — that car is so much nicer to look at than some Korean sports coupe. I don't think I'd mind it so much if Micheal started eating Yoplait exclusively, or if Sam started drinking an actual beer brand

And James Bond isn't a rotating code name. He's obviously a timelord.

I think the clown that dies at the beginning of Octopussy was supposed to be a double-0.

One thing that bothered me.
The Doctor didn't give River a sonic screwdriver (she has one in Silence in the Library). I hope that this is not a forgotten piece of continuity.

Best of Both Worlds, of course is at the top of my list.

I liked Descent and Time's Arrow. I have mixed feelings about Unification (that's the one with Spock, right?) I loved the Spock bits, but couldn't stand the Tasha Yar Romulan.

The birds with two mouths freaked me out then and they still freak me out now.