Mr. S. Baldrick

"No one should be deprived of Blackadder."

I just remembered another one: the collection of not-entirely competent parody detectives from Neil Simon's Murder By Death. Which includes:

Larry David trying to explain the supposed appeal of Krupke to his increasingly angry real-life counterpart is comedy gold. Gold, I tells ya!

No Austin Powers? Chief Barbrady? Officer Krupke? Wheels and the Legman?

She'd say he's not mine! You can't prove it!!!"

The Mad Magazine parody of Columbo was hilarious, precisely because they portrayed him as genuinely incompetent to the point of insanity.  He finally harrasses an innocent man into confessing to a crime he didn't commit:

Yeah, TBL is (for lack of a better term) a pleasant enough show, but I would much rather have had another series of Blackadder. As you can probably tell from my user name.

I love Quimby's response: "Forget the pig, how many broads do I get?"

I'm suddenly envisioning a badly animated cartoon set in late 30's Germany, in which Hitler, Tojo and Mussolini solve mysteries with the help of a talking German Shepard named "Blitzkrieg." Every episode will feature a climactic scene where they run in and out of a series of doors, followed by ghosts, monsters and

If I'm remembering correctly, they had plans to introduce Dick into BB if it had gotten another season. I believe the idea was he would be running a training facility for super hero wannabes, i.e. young people who wanted to be crime fighters. (I don't really count the subsequent comic books as real continuity; if it

Yeah, I liked the choice to portray the Penguin in AC as a basically a Cockney thug who very likely got his start as a minor hoodlum working his way up in the London underworld before he immigrated to the States/Gotham City; when you introduce that element into the character, it raises all sorts of interesting

Mediocre is definitely the word to use here. It's a shame that the final  DCAU offering for Batman couldn't have been a little more memorable, but whaddaya gonna do? I liked Batwoman well enough, but the romance was nothing to brag about, and the plotline with Kathy's father turning on the other thugs for his

Later, Jeremy's Iron would go on to play Raggy, the Talking Bar Rag.

"These seas are certainly heaving!"

Sub Zero may come across as little more than a couple of episode of BtAS stitched together, and nothing special even on that basis, but at least it's still competently made…which is more than you can say for Freeze's big screen 'debut' in Batman and Robin. Heh, heh.

I believe the original comic book story was published before Deep Freeze aired, i.e. when Nola was still thought to be dead.

I propose that this episode would have been much improved if they'd had Catelyn suddenly glance offscreen just seconds before her throat's slit and calmly remark, "Either those curtains go or I do!"

"Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead…"

Next week, Wyman Manderly shows how to bake Sheppard's Pie with real sheppards!

Ironically, the fact that Old Frey was willing to go through with such a brutal revenge for nothing more than wounded pride kinda justifies Rob not wanting him as a father in-law!!