Mr. S. Baldrick

"Kippers for breakfast, Aunt Helga? Is it St. Swithin's Day already?" "'Tis!" replied Aunt Hel-ga!" I love the way Nancy Cartwright spews this litle bit of dialogue. Also the whole Rear Window parody, the Busby Berkeley tribute, Ned screaming like a little girl, etc. etc.

Cleese had a brief reunion with Manuel in 2008. From an annual charity show called "We Are Most Amused:"

And later on, Cleese actually guest starred on an episode of Cheers. Coincidence? I think not!


My fave episode is a toss up between "the Germans" and "Basil the Rat." The latter definitely has the funniest bit of slapstick: Basil rummaging around in the purse of a departing guest to get hold of the titular rat, which bites him, and then speeds off into the dining room. The sight of an obviously, hilariously

Basil's a very strange creation: As Cleese points out in numerous interviews, yes, he's basically a monster. But there's something in Cleese's performance that somehow just makes you sympathise with the poor bastard.

"My little nest of adders."


He was in Alien. And a bunch of other movies.

I thought the Silence were deliberately trying to destroy the universe by blowing up the Tardis. Otherwise, what was the point of "SILENCE WILL FALL!"?

I figured it was either Gunderson Glibbertytits or Puddin' Tame.

This episode would have been improved immensesly if the Cybermen had killed both kids, and then done a disrespectful puppet show with their severed heads.

I liked the fainting Victorian dude. A cheap gag, but funny enough.

It was also used in a recent Futurama season - to hilarious effect! - as a means of summoning evil space cats.

I dunno…This episode kinda bored me. The BBC never allows Who to go beyond the R.L. Stine/Goosebumps level due to their insistence on treating it as a kiddie show, so whenever it attempts something in the horror genre, I find it's automatically operating at a disadvantage. Sometimes the creators can work around that,

Was that Tress MacNeill narrating?

Specific examples:In tonight's Cleveland Show, Cleveland does a walrus impression by sticking two chopsticks in his mouth, and Homer does the same thing in this episode.

Is Jimmy divorced? I was wondering why the boys' mother wasn't participating.

(Sniggers stupidly into hands, like a small child or a grown imbecile): "He doesn't know the difference between an android and a robot! Haw! Haw! Haw!"

Well, technically, Bradley's playing William Hartnell. I daresay there's no reason he actually can't play the First Doctor if they wanted to do any flashback episodes featuring him. The same with Reece Shearsmith, who's playing Patrick Troughton. As well as all the actors playing their various companions.