Mr. S. Baldrick

A good episode, easily Gatiss' best since the Unquiet Dead. One of the biggest pleasures in the new series (for me, anyway) is watching the creative team take silly old cardboard cutout villians and monsters that the old BBC FX department spent all of $1.33 on, and make credible threats out of them. I really liked the

All the kids' auditions for Mr. Burns were first rate: "All I can offer you is my love," "Gimme all your money or I'll pound your withered old head!' "Clang, clang, clang went the trolley…"

Did anyone else titter inappropriately when Clara's father was 'attacked' by the leaf? Honestly, it's a leaf, for Chrissakes, and  instead of just swatting it away, the man grabs at his face as though a vampire bat has latched on…And then he stumbles out into traffic, into the path of an oncoming car. It was like a

Agreed, except for the emotional resonance. RTD's weak spot was his sparkly Jesus Tinkerbell crap, and this episode reminded me too much of that.

I hearby predict that when Clara meets River Song for the very first time, River's initial reaction will be to snarl at her: "Woman, get your tits out of my man's face!"

Moffat never did explain just who (or what) was behind the Tardis exploding or that whole "SILENCE WILL FALL!!!" routine. Seems like a wee bit of a loose end, no?

So the Great Intelligence is going to be the Big Bad for the latter part of Series Seven? Might be worth it if we see a Yeti show up…