Mr. S. Baldrick

With Ernest Borgnine as Catwoman! (But only if he wears the same skintight costume that Michelle Pfeiffer did in Batman Returns.)

Basically what happened with S6 was this: Whedon spent a large portion of the budget on the musical episode (which was not exactly inexpensive to do and should also be known by its second title, "Joss Whedon's Last Desperate Snatch at an Emmy"). This left the show rather cash strapped for the remainder of the season,

The look on Dee's face when Dennis introduces the Gang to his son at the beginning of the episode really made me laugh. She honestly has the best reactions of any comic actress you could name.

So…Aku's a woman now?

I know people have already addressed this question, but how on earth did this crazy, no-talent creep manage to claw her way onto Saturday Night Live? My own theory is that Lorne Michaels and his lackeys assumed she might work as some kind of Goldie Hawn figure and it was far too late when they realized she wasn't

So…A gateway to hell. (Ok, ok: the "dark dimension.") Anyone want to bet the end of the season stinger will involve the gate activating when no-one's around, with Grant Ward walking out? Or if not him, another dead baddie? Or possibly one of Marvel's numerous demonic/evil magic characters?

Giving credit where it's due, they're certainly not shying away from Ghost Rider's murderous nature, are they?

To me, it read as "Mangrove Throatwarbler."

But if they wanted to force Eli's cooperation by threatening Robbie and Gabe, wouldn't they stop short of actually having the boys killed? Once they're dead, Eli has no reason to play ball.

L'il Tommy Lenk is one daft bugger!

I liked this one. Sloppy in the way of modern Simpsons, but sweet, with some genuine laughs.

I also had the impression Shapiro was trying to play the gang for chumps, which would mean this has happened on literally every single one of their detective cases so far (the ones we've seen, anyway). Jesus, Barry's the only one who's been perfectly upfront about his intentions towards them up till now!

Doesn't really look all that great, though trailers can be misleading. The original 3 series were all pretty enjoyable. The subsequent series and specials, not so much.

And Johnny Depp as Mr. Humphries.

The underground bunker Mallory was being held in was another movie/book reference, wasn't it? I'm certain I've seen that plot device used before, but I can't remember where…

In Victorian times, they used to quip: "Her Majesty's so corpulent, that when she sits around the Commonwealth, she sits around the Commonwealth!"

What I wonder is why they haven't approached the school's staff for assistance. Yes, the Beast appears to be targeting them specifically, and yes, Brakebill's security is practically non-existent to the point of being laughable, but they're still just students. You'd think they would want all the help they could get.

"What I really love about the first book is that what we read is just a best possible outcome out of dozens of attempts to kill the beast."

Does anyone know if we're going to see more Magicians books from Grossman, or is the original trilogy pretty much it?

So, Janet's name is changed to "Margo" for no reason? And Josh has been excised from the show altogether?