Mr. S. Baldrick

They should get Tim Kazurinsky to do a guest voice on the show before it finally goes off the air. There! I said it and I'm glad!

"When can I see an episode where Agent Coulson disguises as a Catholic priest (with Daisy and Simmons as nuns"

I predict that in the next episode we discover Nick's drug addiction was caused by his childhood love of taffy. In a series of flashbacks (while strapped to a filthy cot in the military "hospital") we learn of his weekly visits to Bitsy & Titsy's Candyland Adventure, the greatest taffy emporium in all of Los Angeles

I went to see the documentary about the O2 shows at a recent film festival, and Terry Jones was a special guest. He was vey quiet during the question-and-answer session after the film - the movie's director and producers did most of the talking - and he was pretty slow during his few contributions, displaying little

It's supposed to be the first in a 3-part series. I assume the next one will cover the Python years in detail.

Well, there is that. Really, Dennis is every bit the coward that Mac is; I'm not sure he'd have the stomach to go through with perpetrating actual violence against anyone.

I can't help thinking that all this speculation about Dennis murdering everyone in the final episode is too predictable. Maybe he tries to and is thwarted by the rest of the gang teaming up against him? We kinda have to root for somebody in such a scenario, and the others automatically become more sympathetic merely

Isn't it well past the point where Adam Sandler should be publicly executed for crimes against humanity? I'd recommend the 'being torn apart by wild stallions' method, though I'd be willing to settle for anything sufficiently brutal and unpleasant.

Why would Mac choke Hunter into unconsciousness, then? Unless it's extremely kinky sex…

I assume the villain team that Cal assembles for next week's episode are all escapees from the super-secret SHIELD prison that Ward and Garrett busted open last season?

Maybe they could faced the Ponderosas. That would have been an interesting set-up.

You're killing Independent Daryl!

The extreme close-up on Newman's malevolent red face as he snarls, "Nice game, pretty boy!" always makes me laugh.

I'm curious to see who (or what) Rania turns into. If she ends up as deformed as the eyeless dude from the final scene, she's likely going to be majorly pissed off. Which would be ironic, given how gung-ho she was about transforming.

Looks like I pulled a Homer!

No throwsies!

The sequence where a drunken Bob remained blissfully unaware of the surrounding turkey apocalypse reminded me a bit of the classic Simpsons episode where Homer is stuffing his face in the family car, completely oblivious to the unfolding riot at the Spinal Tap concert he's dropped Bart and Milhouse off at, and the

I'll drink two that!

Re: Kang & Kodos. That wasn't necessarily them at the end…unless their species have very long lifespans. It was probably their descendents, or just a random pair of octobeasts from their home planet. From what we've seen of 25 years' worth of Treehouse of Horror episodes, all of their race look pretty much the same,

When the film was released, didn't Whedon and/or Goddard offer some vague comments about having an idea for a sequel? How would that have worked?