B Topiary

Yeah that brand of body horror really gets me too. Despite being a Python fan, I've never seen The Meaning of Life for that reason. On a similar note, the last thing that made me legitimately queasy was the villain dying in The Tuxedo. For some reason though, the gluttony victim in Se7en didn't bother me I think

Hope they got Roger Waters' permission for this…

Yeah that song is really beautiful. With its long outro, I always assume its the last song on the album. I find "Birdie" really affecting too. Usually I prefer albums with more production/musicality, but in my opinion Pure Comedy has an important message that takes precedent over the musicianship

On my first listen-through of "Leaving LA," I was like "Man, this guy only knows one melody for all of his songs" but then I looked at my phone and realized it was the same song still going

Just listened to FJM's I Love You, Honeybear. Not quite as topical as Pure Comedy but a bit more musically diverse. And now that I think about it, Pure Comedy is just an album-wide expansion on the song "Holy Shit"

To be fair, those two songs describe every AV Club user

I only know about it because of watching the lame Prison Break revival on the FOX app

And hopefully they'll rebrand it as 2 Woke Girls

I mean, that's kind of a problem everywhere. I'm from the supposed liberal refuge of Minneapolis, and there huge academic disparities here.

I got the impression that the journalist didn't put the pieces together about the mercury poisoning til after John's death. Obviously, there were a lot of loose ends that really couldn't be tied together, but I thought the mercury poisoning provided a satisfactory post-hoc explanation about what led John to suicide.

Cum Town will be the follow-up podcast where Woodstock residents open a gay bar in memory of John B.

Well they interviewed the mayor, who seems to think equating K3 Lumber with the Klan was unfair

You're clearly confusing this with the 1994 video game "Shaq-Fu"

Blame Scrabble dictionaries for normalizing "'za"

They referenced it in the Simpsons so it has be true

You playing Polybius as a child would explain everything

Let's just say Ty and Daniel are the polar opposite of George RR Martin when it comes to killing characters, seeing as how they telegraph almost every major death pretty far in advance

Errinwright name-checked Clarissa a couple episodes back

They're both white knight cucks!

Yeah, true - those are all great songs. Originally, I know Townshend wanted to get really experimental with it and incorporate bio-feedback and stuff, so who knows? I haven't had the chance to listen to Lifehouse Chronicle or the reconstruction yet but I'll have to give it a shot