B Topiary

"The Good Place" is proof that comedy and philosophy are by no means mutually exclusive. Really curious where they go in season 2 after the huge twist and then hitting the reset button

The only reason I know of Dillinger Four is because the drummer owns the place I did my counseling internship at.

As someone who works in what's basically a group home for teens with eating disorders, this seems like a relatively genuine attempt to portray ED treatment. I should add that I became interested in mental health treatment after watching "it's Kind of a Funny Story" in college. So while this film may not be a perfect

Jared Leto dropped to a dangerous weight for Dallas Buyer's Club and look where he is now!

Hey! He was in that one Shyamalan elevator horror movie and The Angry Birds Movie! He's a very accomplished actor!!!

Are you… not familiar with the term "Sugar Daddy"?

Kroll Show?

As they say, curiosity choked the chicken killed the cat

This will get you sent to The Bad Place™

It can be two covfefes…

If you can think of a simpler way to exchange covfefe, I'd like to hear it!

In order to win the general election, you have to win the primary which Bernie didn't do. Even subtracting superdelegates, Hillary won individual primary votes fair and square. As an independent, Bernie simply didn't have the connections to secure party support the way Obama did in 2007.

Apparently, Bernie would've won, so…. counterpoint?

Eh, Minnesota politicians make better VPs anyway…

I walked past him when he campaigned at my college in '08 - now I wish I would've stopped by to hear him speak. All the clips of him at senate confirmation hearings make him seem like the last bastion of sanity in the Trump era

VyRT is short for Per-VyRT

YOUR MOM holds the door!!!

There's always Google image search, amirite????

If only…

Oh man, yeah. Between the death of Lizzy Caplan's character and super hopeless ending of the movie, I was a wreck walking out of that theater.