B Topiary

People made this comparison a lot on the Pure Comedy album review here and yeah, based on some interviews I've read, I can see it.

In my opinion, Valtari was one of the least memorable Sigur Ros albums, but I'm sure it makes good study/work music

Huh, glad to hear I'm not the only who's listened to Lifehouse Elements! As a teenage, I was huge into The Who, and bought it on a whim. I still love the orchestral version of Baba - it takes the source material but gives it a life of its own.

In the books, he's a hapless, (and in my opinion) boring character, so I've appreciated the writers giving him more of an edge in the show.

In about a week, I went from avoiding Father John Misty and his music to listening to Pure Comedy on repeat and recommending to it friends. Musically, it's a sparse album, but his lyrics really capture the times in a way that I feel like other artists haven't caught up to yet. I'll admit that it seems cliche for a

Coming off a couple of cinematic duds—including the treacly duo of Mother’s Day and A Dog’s Purpose - she apparently relishes the opportunity to play someone with an edge.

So you avoid seeing Jurassic World? Congrats!

Thanks for the new AV Club username!

More like… schlock rock!

Did the real Pete do warm up work for talk shows early in his career? I've listened to a lot of his podcasts and interviews but I can't remember him bringing it up

In the books, the UN scenes take place at the Hague, I'm pretty sure

The actress Frankie Adams was an amateur boxer, and based on interviews I've heard, it sounds like she trained pretty hard for the role - so I don't think it's due to lack of trying. But the low G thing would be my best guess for an in-universe explanation

I do hope they play up that relationship when they eventually meet

In the book, when Bobby goes to the the streets, she talks to a
twenty-something barista/waitress who explains how hard it is to get a
post-secondary education and, consequently, a good career

Oh sorry, I hadn't heard that expression before

I wonder if they'll bring the actor back when they get to Cibola Burn

That would be pretty epic. In fact that might be a better closer than "We need to talk…"

Ty Franck said on twitter that different Martian colonies developed different accents. For example, Alex is from the Marineris Valley colony where they have Texan drawls.

"It's called acting, people!"

They never really discuss it in the show, right? I guess it's implied by the camera angles and their eyes dilating.