
"My name is Dan Harmon. You killed my sitcom. Prepare to die."

"…and now that police have emptied Zuccotti Park, effectively causing everyone to just give up and agree everything’s all good now…"

I've come to see Leslie going 0-60 as a deep part of her character, and to see it used as a detriment on occasion instead of her saving grace is refreshing to me. Loved it.


And really, anytime you can punch somebody who brags about about not owning a TV, haven't we all won?

Plus the nickel Abed found would be an easy callback a few episodes down the line from now.

I must have missed where they pretty much did that

Wasn't that the only time Pierce didn't tell his Eartha Kitt joke referenced last week?

I agree—I think if you identify most with Jeff, the slide from funny scumbag to actual scumbag hurts to watch. But I still don't buy that the last ending was the real timeline.

My money is the one where Pierce left. Each character had a beat of small, meaningless but symbolic growth, and it ended happily with Pierce feeling left out and Jeff oblivious to his effect on the group. Nothing changed and the status quo was preserved—exactly what always happens in sitcoms.

Okay, so, now the fun part:

It make loud noises come out of my face hole.

I loved the homages. It's a good show and this was a good episode of it. But I just didn't laugh. Admittedly, they were setting a lot up—but it felt really obvious that it was being set up, and I think a few really hard laughs would have helped that. Parks and Rec were doing the same thing but had strong, immediate

It was good. Parts were smart. But it was not funny.

Pirate Fortress. Did I just hear you say the word 'pirate'…

"going to"?

Just me

My hope was actually David Cross.

Re-reading, that was too harsh in general. I've liked a few of your write ups, and one of the reasons I read this one was because even though I never really cared for Pearl Jam, I thought your article on them was really well written a few days back. Since I also enjoy LCD Soundsystem, I was expecting something more, I

I'd Suggest
If you feel such a kinship to a musician, perhaps you should try your hand at music. Because you effort with the written word came off as masturbation. Masturbation that chaffed a bit too much, to be specific.