
I'll add to the chorus that if anything this season has been A+, it was last week. This was great though, as this season has been pretty consistently.

I'm curious: if Meluan is Kvothe's aunt, then I wonder how many people away from the throne he would be.

Wise Man's Fear
How about we get a review up on the sequel that's been out for a week and a half? Or just a header with the title and a review of "It kicks ass." so there could be some discussion here for it?

Fight Sequence
Cluttered? More like awesome. Didn't feel cluttered to me, and I was actually impressed by the direction of the scene. I mean, who are they? Yuen Woo-Ping?

I don't think I've ever bought Erin's character more than when she stopped Holly.

Drivers selling
Why were the salespeople happy when a warehouse worker made a sale? I think that could make a great arc of paranoia and anxiety, but I get the feeling that it'll be dropped and never spoken of again.