Mr. Chainsaw

Maybe my standards are just low but I enjoyed this one. The scene with Homer and Ned was sweet and I laughed quite a bit ("Can I borrow like ten thousand dollars?").

"This quick-burn approach to plot is a welcome change for the series and one that will hopefully continue, at least for a while." As someone who gave up on this show in season three, let me just say LOL.

You could tell the artists and animators had a ball with that first segment. Lots of very cool character designs and backgrounds.

I watched Gladiator for the first time since it came out. Still very good, but not as good as I'd remembered. Wonderfully violent, and Joaquin Phoenix is great, but the writing leaves something to be desired and the third act is just eh.

When I read the words "Die Hard musical" in the cable guide earlier today, I immediately gave it an "A" and never looked back.

I spent a couple years hunting down all their vinyl releases on eBay; a used copy of their first album set me back about $40. And yet I pre-ordered this as fast as my internet connection would allow.

Poor Shaq.

Seeing my favorite band play a set of all my favorite songs but having crowd-surfers get passed over me or land on me every 30 seconds.

Too many comments to see if it's been mentioned already, but I always liked the references to Kenneth being immortal/supernatural on 30 Rock.

I don't see how that's even possible unless she just resigns, which would be a little too ridiculous for this show. It's not like she's the manager of a Best Buy; she can't just go "ugh, this sucks, I'm outta here."

I had a thought: does anyone think it's possible the show would replace Selina with a new Veep? The Thick of It did this with its minister (albeit for MUCH different reasons) without changing much. I think there's three different ways this goes: 1.) she wins the election and stays president, which I don't think the

I really didn't think they would ever make her president, for all the reasons outlined here. The stakes are too high and it's too chaotic. Like Selina herself says, the little fuck-ups aren't really funny anymore. I have enough faith that the show can pull it off, but I'm also hoping they find a way to hit the reset

All the more horrifying when you consider that the camp Easy discovered/liberated was just a small work camp, not even close to the scale of somewhere like Auschwitz or Dachau.

Judging by the end of the episode when Ben gets called back to DC, it would appear he's too important to POTUS's office to work for Selina right now.

I think it's interesting that Amy, for all her machinations, didn't know about Ray's blog either. I think it's good for the plot that Jonah get a minor victory; he's funny on his own, but he works even better as an agent of chaos.

The John Calhoun one was the kind of deep cut I didn't think they even bothered with anymore, so bravo animators.

Bleeding Gums Murphy's "Sax On the Beach" and John Calhoun's "These Things I Believe" were there too.

The Cleveland Show wasn't very funny, but at least it was a lot lighter on the sexism, racism, transphobia, pedophilia, domestic violence etc. jokes that Family Guy seems to love these days.

It was like he knew it was too over-the-top but he didn't give a shit because he knew the cops were too stupid to see through it.

It would have been a little weird to introduce a new cast member with such a major role halfway through the season.