Mr. Chainsaw

I'm not worried because Jonah is a billion times funnier than Chang ever was.

But Selina has to have some kind of loyalty to her staff, because anyone else would have fired them for being completely incompetent a long time ago.

This episode was hysterical, but I really didn't like the creepy sexual vibe of that last scene, especially when you put Dan killing a dog on top of that.

"When are they going to get to killing children??" Homer sums up my feelings about the Hunger Games exactly.

Whoever found and cast Alison Tohlman for this should get an award or promotion or something. The great thing about Molly and Marge from the movie is that they're so real. They're not autistic/psychic super detectives like every police procedural, they're just honest, smart, and hardworking, and that kind of character

That was thoroughly underwhelming.

I love this band, and one of their strengths is that Kurt Ballou is a fucking genius with guitar tones. I don't know any other guitarist in metal or hardcore that can get such an organically nasty and brutal crunch like that. Unless, you know, Ballou is producing their record.

The look she gave Catherine made my blood run cold.

That was just a powerhouse episode for Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Holy shit. Also, they need to come up with more reasons to send Jonah to black neighborhoods. Hell, make that a spin-off.

As someone who went to UofA, let me just say that Tucson has its issues but it's fucking Paris compared to the rest of Arizona.

This show really needs to find something more to do with Amy. For someone so close to Selina and who is the presumed front-runner for campaign manager, she's the least developed of any of the main characters. Which is a shame, because Anna Chlumsky consistently knocks it out of the park.

Dillinger Four. For a pop-punk band that almost never plays shows, 6 years between records is ridiculous.

I bought the house (finished it a couple days ago) so I guess I'll have to get these. I'm glad they redesigned the family; the stoned, half-lidded expressions on the mini-figs that came with the house are weird-looking.

I wonder if there was any significance to the close-up shots of Raylan's hands and fingers during that last scene with Daryl.

I have to say I like the new generation of pop-punk like Dillinger Four better than the old stuff. Banner Pilot's Collapser is probably my favorite pop-punk album ever. Some other bands I like that weren't mentioned: The Menzingers, Dear Landlord, Banquets, Chumped, The Gateway District, Bayside, Cheap Girls, Broadway

I think the drug cartel plot being pushed into the background is intentional. It's almost a running gag at this point that they lose more money and/or cocaine in every episode with almost no gain or profit.

Alternate episode title: "I.F.R."

I don't know if it's fair to say the game was "utterly meaningless." Winning the group gives you a significant advantage, and it was a good early test for our young defense. I thought Russia had the edge for most of the game, and they probably would have won if they'd been more aggressive on the power play.

Maybe I'm a little biased because I think they're the greatest band of all time, but Sleater-Kinney are more punk than all the mohawked, studded jacket wearing bros on earth put together.

That Grinderman song over the end credits…*kisses fingertips*