Mr. Chainsaw

That was like Meade showing up to Gettysburg with a squadron of F-16s. Goddamn.

"Anyone want to guess how I got the money?"
"I'm going to have to say drugs too."

I really liked this one, but it reminded me of how only in the last 15 years or so have we been blessed with really great, exciting Super Bowls. With the exception of the two between the Packers and Broncos, that stretch between 26 and…like, the first Patriots win was pretty terrible and full of blowouts and/or boring

I'm sure it's been said already but Jimmy Chamberlin is one of the most underrated drummers ever. The bridge of "Jellybelly?" Holy shit.

Two come to mind: Homer's frenzied "OH MY GOD!! TRA-MAP-OLINE!! TRAM-BOMP-OLINE!!!!" in "Bart's Inner Child," and the "Ants In My Eyes Johnson" bit from "Rixty Minutes."

Missing one of the best: "Springfield Sperm Bank: Put Your Sperm In Our Hands."

Makes sense. If anything, the current roster is way too thin to pull off something on the scale of the comic series this is gonna be based on.

The look on Jorah's face when Tyrion explained his whole dumb plan to him was priceless.

Yeah, I think it holds up surprisingly well, even seeing it as an adult.

Julia Gluey Dreyfus

I think my problem with this show is that it's moving too fast. The characters and their relationships to each other don't get enough time to breathe before the status quo gets reset. It's just odd to me to have a show called "Last Man On Earth" introduces a new character almost every other episode. Also, I'd like the

Oh, so they moved Parks and Rec to the same time as Justified. Wonderful.

The writing is easily the part that suffered the most. It definitely leaned too hard into that Millar brand of crude that's off-putting. And changing the way that Mindy gets revenge on the mean girls was just a weird choice. In the comic she just dangles the queen bee off the school roof by her ankles, so I'm not sure

It's becoming obvious that Millar desperately needs Vaughn and his writing time to make his adaptations even remotely enjoyable/palatable. Just look at the difference between Kick-Ass and Kick-Ass 2.

I've seen worse. The "party goblin" bit was funny as hell, and I think her stage presence and charm make up for the hacky bits.

I wasn't into this one. This show suffers a LOT when Ilana and Abbi are separated for that much of the episode.

Yeah this rubbed me the wrong way. I've been worried that Carrie's fame would have a detrimental effect on the band. The fact that the new album is amazing and raw and just as subversive as they've always been assuaged most of my fears, but stuff like this gives me pause. I mean, the chorus to one of the new songs is

"Have you noticed a change in Bart lately?"
"New glasses?"
"No, I think something might be troubling him."
"Probably misses his old glasses."
"I want to get more involved in his activities, but then I'd be afraid of smothering him."
"Yeah, then we'd get the chair."
"That's not what I meant!"
"It was Marge, admit it."

Hot Rock is not a good first S-K album. When I was first getting into them I didn't like it, but now it's my favorite album. Revisit it later and see what you think.

I can't pick between "Paralytic States" by Against Me! and "Blockbuster Night Pt. 1" by Run the Jewels.