
Goosetown, a reference to Goosetown, the suburban ghetto of Iowa City.

After this show, he obviously doesn't care. Before this he just seemed like a guy that actually thought his stuff is funny. But since he was on this show, which so clearly pointed out how unfunny his stuff is, I have to think that he knows just how bad his act is, and he does it just to rake in cash.

Yeah, I agree, it doesn't come close to the second or third seasons of the Office. But if I had a choice to watch only either Parks or the Office on Thursday nights from now on, I think I would have to go with Parks.

The show can't go too long before it delves into another romance. I agree that Andy might get together with Erin, or at least make a heroic stab at it. The real question is will Andy-Erin come first, or will the inevitable Dwight and Angela re-coupling happen first?

It's Official
I've been reluctant to say this myself, even though I'm sure many before me have, but Parks and Recreation is now a better show than The Office. It doesn't hold up to earlier Office seasons, but goddamn this season of Parks has started to blow this new season of the Office out of the water. And so the

I always thought Ron Swanson was the best character on the show but this season Andy has been fucking hilarious.

And yet…they will sweep the Emmy's next year again.

Agreed that seeing that stupid ass dummy get torn apart was satisfying.

Dear God Jeff Dunham…
Did Jeff Dunham realize that they were basically saying that his comedy is bad and that only mindless, half-retarded hicks like it? Did you understand that Jeff? Did you???

A milestone for humanity
Mike Voltaggio I believe uttered something that has never been spoken by another human being in our entire existence-

Def Jam Vendetta- BUT FOR REAL!!
If this fight is MMA, DMX will certainly win, because he's really fuckin good at different holds and joint pulls. I once saw him take on Method Man and Redman AT THE SAME TIME! He can really wear you down if he gets to you to the ground and works on your knee; your power meter just

I was one of the people who watched the premiere to see how retarded, unfunny and racist it was and…I was blown away at what I saw. I at least thought it would be so bad that I could laugh and make fun of it, but instead I just sat there in absolute horror. There is no possible way that this show is on that long. The

What are the chances the writers take it far enough that Michael becomes, or at least comes close to becoming Pam's stepdad? Part of me says that would be too ridiculous, but it definitely would be a comedy goldmine.

Wow, agreed. That "shit" was seriously one of the best delivered lines I've ever seen.

You recapped the fucking shit out of that show! The way you were recappin' here and recappin' there…it was fuckin JUICY!
I'm not drunk.

They have some funny skits- check out the one where one of the dudes from the movie does a Supersize Me thing, only he tries to drink nothing but scotch for a month (maybe other liquor too). It's funny because he can't do it!!! Get it guys???????!!

Norwegian Wood (This Turd Has Flown)
Brown Submarine
I'm Only Shitting

LD be gettin some
The montage of Larry's attempt to make out with the wheelchair lady was amazing, and just when I thought it couldn't get any funnier, he dumped her on the bed like he was unloading firewood out of a wheelbarrow. Best thing I've ever seen.

Jenna is pretty weak, but I thought all the Janis Joplin stuff was pretty funny. All of the cuts to her singing Joplin songs with different lyrics were hilarious. Jimi Hendrix sax virtuoso was awesome. She delivered one of my favorite lines as Janie Jimplin that I use all the time- "Nice suit Squaresville, where's the

Anyone else think Larry will be all bruised up next week? That could work for him maybe in getting some sympathy from Cheryl, or maybe from Jerry in convincing him to let Cheryl on the Seinfeld reunion.