
Zach Galifianakis/ Vampire Weekend
Next weekend has crazy potential. I'm really hoping that they let Zach loose and don't weigh him down by having him just play some dude in every sketch while Kristen Wiig does some bullshit character. That's probably what will happen, but still, lots of potential next week. Here's

you magnificent son of a bitch!

needs to get on Mad Men. He'd play a great lying, scheming ad exec.

Farley isn't just the funny fat guy. He's a fucking genius.

On Stranger Tides
Sounds like the name of a Jimmy Buffett song.

We Suck Young Blood (Your Time Is Up)

I grew up in a fairly liberal Lutheran church, and we would go on mission trips in the summer to repair houses and such. We would sleep in local high school gyms with tons of other groups from churches from all over the country, and would have to go to mandatory worship services with everybody. That was when I first

"anti-Oasis basis". That's what I'm going to name my band. Even though I love Oasis, and don't understand all the hate.

I listen to Push Barman more than any other Belle and Sebastian album. I was shocked not to see it on this list. 'This Is Just A Modern Rock Song' is unbelievable.

I figured Past Masters would #1 on the list. Shame on you AVC.

I was going to give money during the Hope for Haiti telethon but I'm waiting for the upcoming anti-native american fundraiser Hate for Hopi. Thank you folks. Be sure to try the veal.

Joe Adama…
…just got really bad ass. "Balance it out" was bad ass line. Add him to the favorite bad ass list on the AVQ&A.

How is there not a movie made about Voytek yet? Or is there? A Polish film? It would be a weird mix between a Disney/kid's movie and war movie. I think I'd like to see that.

Yeah, so obviously that never happened in the new timeline.

I'm starting to think that maybe Desmond is the new Jacob. That Jacob's special hold over the Island, and his apparent god-like status/ powers are the same that Desmond has- the control over time. Maybe somehow with this alternate timeline, Des learned/ was taught these powers and took the place as the new Jacob, and

Even better than the "I'm sorry you had to see me like this" line was Richard- "You?!" Fake-Locke- "Me."- and then fake-locke just puttin the hurt on Richie.

Awesome Episode.
-If Locke doesn't get some kind of redemption by playing a key role as a good guy, he may become the saddest figure in television history.

I'm assuming
that the Titte Brothers will play a key role in this film. If not, I want a Titte move in 3D now.

Come on Lindelof, it's gold! Gold, Jerry!

Yeah, I really think they won't end the show with Locke being the bad guy. I still think he's the savior (at least in part; possibly sharing the role with Jack) of the Island and everybody. Seeing him in Jesus' seat in that Last Supper promotional ad encourages my line of thinking.