
I bet it's the eye opening up of somebody waking up on the plane, having just safely landed at LAX. And I bet that eye belongs to…Vincent, laying in his kennel in the cargo hold.

I bet the harrassment/ battery incident went like this…

And what will they do with Walt? He's a Giant Kid now. A fucking Giant. But I actually do think TV Junior is on to something with the Faraday thing. But Walt just fucks up everything. EVERYTHING. WWWAAAALLLLLLTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

Opening Scene
I'll bet my fucking life that the very first thing we see at the opening of season 6 is the signature close-up of an eye. I don't know who it will belong to, or what will happen next, but since this season is supposed to be more like season 1, the eye will come first. Anyone think differently? I'll fight

There's no way we see anymore of Walt, especially if the bomb reset everything and we're back in 2004. He's a giant of a kid now. I expect them to answer what was special about him, but there's no way it involves him being in the episode.

I didn't know they did that for the Sopranos too, but yeah it seems really over done right after BSG did it like a year ago. It's interesting to see who they included and excluded from the photo though, and where they placed them.

I think we'll get quite a bit of good ol' Des. It's already been sort of established that he's the X factor in all this. Faraday called him out on this, telling him the rules don't apply to him. My prediction is everybody lands in LAX, safe and sound, not remembering anything that happened, but they need to get back

I thought I was excited before, but after reading this I almost can't wait even another week.

Damn, good point. Tricia Helfer could be a huge marketing force.

It's probably pretty hard to market smart, heady shows without coming off at pretentious. If NBC were to market BSG as a thinking man's sci-fi show, most of America would boycott, because intelligence is somehow not cool or manly or something to Joe Sixpack. I'm sure most of the people who read the word "allegory" in

Yeah Kings is a perfect example. Great show. It's just hard to believe that this is the network that kept Seinfeld on for like four years before it started really getting viewers.

I should add that if any network were capable of botching the marketing of a critically acclaimed show like BSG, it would be NBC.

My Advice to NBC
NBC Universal has the rights to Battlestar Galactica. At this point they have nothing to lose, so why not rerun episodes of the re-imagined series? I really don't think I'm being naive in thinking that it could pull in a lot of new viewers. Fuck, I'd tune in every week, and I own the DVDs. I know CBS

Where the FUCK is Firefly?

Ricky Gervais will be the only reason to watch.
Where's the love for Where the Wild Things Are?

I declare…
that Chris Mincher has the best list. America is proud of you.

I completely forgot that came out this year. Good call…

Oh dear.
I'm very glad to see Sunset Rubdown so high, which would be about my number four also, and of course I would expect MPP and Veckatimest to be up there as well…but…

The Strawberry Jam cover is awesome. I don't even really like Lil' Wayne but that cover is perfect. To me those two should be on lists of the best album covers.

shitty host****