
I literally can see a KFC executive sitting in his home watching 30 Rock one night, watching that episode, and fucking jizzing his pants over the idea of replacing buns with meat. Leave it to the American people to take a joke about how far people's unhealthy over-eating habits would go, and turn it into reality.

Love it. Shake off the haters Caruso, you're a bright light in an otherwise Caruso-less world.

"I don't know I just DIDN"T like it." too lazy to proofread…

I fucking hated the way the film looked. I don't know I just like it. I know it was intentional, but it just reminded me of the way a lot of B horror movies look. Besides that I thought it was decent. There was some really awesome scenes. Marion Cotillard was kind of weird in it, her trying to cover up her accent

Caruso, I'm in love with your work. Never stop doing what you do.

No matter how Lost ends I think it's going to kind of be disappointing, because it's going to be just that: the end. The thing that's made Lost so addicting and popular has been the mystery of it all. The best moments are the ones when you just shake your head and utter, "what the fuck is going on…I'm so lost."

Astral Weeks
It's one of my all time favorite albums now, but the first few times I listened to it I thought it was just average. I was more used to listening to Moondance, so hearing these long, stream of consciousness songs were really different. Then probably about the fourth or fifth time it just hit me and I

I about lost it when Dwight started feeding Phyllis that carrot.

Andy deserves to have a little luck with the ladies after all he's been through. One of the Kelly's is about to get the full nard-dog experience.

Rashida Jones
was looking too good in that dress tonight.

I'm guessing that Smokey is the island's oldest entity, and isn't really on anyone's side. Smokey is "the island", and vice versa. I think everybody else that has every been on the island is just using it, and harnessing it's powers (whatever they may be). I think the whole notion of Jacob being one with the island,

I'll be pissed if Sayid dies. I really don't think they will, him and Des are the top fan favorites. Sayid has too much badassery left in him for us to go an entire season without him.

Vincent is the reincarnated dog-soul of Anubis. That's pretty obvious.

Well I'm going to believe Richard when he said he remembers them because he watched them all die. Either they get transported back to present time, and he thinks they died, or they straight up die in front of him. I could see them seriously dying, and then coming back next season. After Locke, dead isn't dead anymore.

Jack will blow the H-bomb, which will trigger the incident, which will send the Losties back to the present. But Jack won't make it back with them. He's going to get caught in a place that's somewhat outside of time and space, and be trapped there. Because Jack is Jacob. Maybe.

Locke thought he was wrong for not pushing the button, but only because the whole place looked like it was about to collapse on them. He really wasn't wrong because blowing up the hatch was all apart of the chain of events that lead everybody off the island, and now back on to try and erase all of what has happened,

When I first saw Last of the Mohicans, I had already killed a bunch of people with a tomahawk, so I was like "Oh man, I totally relate that!" It was kind of nice.

Gremlins is too good to be true. I didn't know Chris Columbus wrote it because I just assumed God himself did.

No it's cool because there's an overtly atheistic message to the entire movie, aimed at converting the whole family. It's a family film.

It may be pessimistic but it's true. Most TV viewers are fucking retarded little balls of douche. I'm sick of good shows getting canceled. RIP Ted. Fuck you America, ABC.