
Eddie Murphy never warranted a pass in the first place. He's not funny. Best thing he's done is Buckwheat sings on SNL.

Owen Wilson gets a pass. Bottle Rocket is awesome. Excuse me as I go and cultivate my relationship with Abe Henry.

Ummm yeah Ernie Hudson gets a lifetime pass for his work in Congo. Not a great movie, but the Greatest Movie. Anybody in Congo gets a lifetime pass.

Norm is God. I'm not even going to use his last name, to me he's just Norm. Like Madonna, Cheech, or Shaq (Shaq?). Agreed that his roast of Saget was pure gold. He's a misunderstood genius that won't get his due until he's dead and a movie is made about him. It will be called "Why, I Can't Imagine Anyone Who Wouldn't

A lot of people hate on Atom Heart Mother, but I think it's awesome. I'll make a bold claim and say it's one of their best albums.

HATE! HATE! HATE! I'll jump on the DMB blows bandwagon. It's a pretty accurate bandwagon.

Amen, brother.

I agree that Jack and them will end up somehow causing the Incident, which causes them to crash on the island in the first place, creating another causality loop that we've been seeing. I think the big unknown this season will have to do with the "shadow of the statue" people.

Amen on the sweet intro music. The whole score is pretty sweet actually, minus the Adams song played at the very end.

Agreed. Prince of Thieves was the shit when I was a kid. The American accent is ridiculous but I still think it's a kick ass movie. And I agree with EvelKareebel on the quotability of it, especially Rickman's lines. Every time I see Morgan Freeman I just want him to yell, "Christian!". Fucking love that movie.

I submit that Four Brothers is the worst film ever.

Ripping off Lost
I know this got brought up last week as well with the comparisons of Dharma and the flashback "Heroes testing place", but yet again this week with the nose bleeds. I'm glad Steve brought that up because I think anybody who watches Lost was thinking the same thing. There is one thing they should rip

I really liked the part where it was just a shot of Liz's head and her talking about how she'd have one drink and go, while simultaneously actually spending a full day with them, and the background just sort of changing colors. I thought it was pretty creative and funny. I also thought it was funny during the Kid's

orange you glad I didn't say that

The Best Cold Open Ever
That cold open was like an And 1 mixtape of cheese puffs. Michael had the goofiest grin on his face when he did the no-look, over-the-shoulder throw. For the first time it seems like not only Michael is having fun in the office, but other people are joining him and relishing in the shenanigans

Yep. Go Hawks!

I agree. It's the most original comedy I've seen in awhile and it seems like it's getting better almost every week.

Funny stuff
I thought it was a pretty funny episode, especially compared to most of the bullshit on T.V. I thought the filibuster thing was funny, and it was funny to see how happy Leslie was with herself with her filibuster idea. And Tom shaking his head with a grin at the camera while Leslie was assuring the little

Why does Hawking have to make sure everything that happened, happened? When Des travelled back in time after blowing up the hatch, he had already been to the Island, and supposedly fulfilled his destiny of pushing the button (the greatest thing that he would ever do). So why did she seem so worried when he was going

I wondering also if Dharma knows about the Temple. If they do I'm sure it pisses them off that they can't get in there and investigate/ perform experiments on it. Not that Smokey would let them.