
It played at a video during Comic Con. He was sending a message to the future, and he apparently knew that the president was George W. Bush.

The new third group works for who's really pulling the strings on the Island: Rose and Bernard! And Vincent. Did I just blow your fucking minds?

Chalkboard lesson
So I assume since that stuff about Egypt on the chalkboard means that the Dharma folks know that the Island was once inhabited by ancient Egyptians. It could have just been a basic history lesson, but since there was stuff about hieroglyphics on the board, I'm thinking that Egyptology is possibly one

I really agree with the "New Dharma" thing also. Just because of the Comic Con video where Chang says that the Dharma Initiative must be reconstituted. Ben and the Hostiles killed all the Dharma members on the Island, but we do know that there are off-island Dharma stations. I would say this new third group is made up

Heroes has never come close to Lost. Lost has always, and will always, be on a whole other level completely.

If they form a new company, I'm sure they'll recruit Parkman into it, so they will have mind control. Also Hiro, Ando, and that stupid fucking baby. So I'm sure they'd be able to form just as powerful a company as the last one.

Yeah, I was very much reminded of Dharma tonight. Ever since the show started I've felt like they have been ripping of Lost in different ways. It seems like NBC, a couple of years after Lost came on said, "Hey, we need a show like this!"

Yes this episode sucked
and yes the show has been in a steady decline since season one. But I was glad that they wrapped up all the "mysterious past" bullshit. I think the show has been so rudderless because it seems like it doesn't look to the future at all. Instead, much of the show has been about uncovering the

As the show is now getting into answer mode, we're beeing shown more and more Egyptian clues. What does everyone think is the exact connection between the island and ancient Egypt? I mean, obviously they built temples and statues there, but how did this come about?

I agree that it has something to do with the collective consciousness of the dead people on the island, or maybe just all the dead people that the person hearing the whispers knows. I think it's possible for a few seconds they partly acquire the power that Miles has. So I'm hoping that the whole whispering phenomenon

*now that he's been resurrected

When Ben and Sun were out waiting for Smokey to come, and Sun said Locke said he had to do something, I figured he was going to find out what he was supposed to do, which would mean talking to Christian or Jacob. He might have magical new knowledge not that he's been resurrected, but for the most part he seems like he

Good album, but not as good as Lie Down in the Light or some of his earlier stuff.