Uncle Rifle

Rockstar usually use in-game footage for their screenshots. And the trailers looks to confirm that what you see is what you get. And in my opinion the graphics in the RDR2 screenshots isn't far from the graphics in GTA V. The jump in quality between PS3 images from GTA V to RDR2 is lot smaller than it was in games

Weren't they the ones with the "Headless body in topless bar" headline?

I'm really, really gonna miss this feature. D'Angelo, agree with him or not, is one of the best writers here.

Yes, because "The Prestige" follows the rules set up by it's own universe, and allows for adequate suspension of disbelief.
See also: Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Burton's Batman and a million other sci-fi, superhero and fantasy movies.
I will admit that one man's supension of disbelief is another man's Neil deGrasse Tyson-

I get the reasoning. It just doesn't make sense. The one uncorrupted civil servant is murdered, remember? How does that give people hope?

I actually liked DK a lot. I've seen it four times. Ledger was great. Oldman was great. It's a great thriller.
"Begins" was all right, and DKR was so-so, with a few good elements, like Hardy and the Catwoman-subplot.
But if I'm to suspend my disbelief, the movie has to "earn it". I really liked Burtons Batman, which

No, but it doesn't make sense. In a town riddled with corruption, the hope of the entire city is crushed if they don't make a martyr out of one more corrupted DA? And to top it off, the only real symbol of uncorruptability, Batman, has to take on his crimes? Why?

I'm all for suspension of disbelief up till the point where you think "nobody would ever do that". A movie stands and falls by it's own rules.

The only "masterpiece" Nolan has done is The Prestige (and maybe "Memento"). All his Batman films strive for realism, but fall apart if you think too hard about their plots. Especially "Dark Night Rises". They all have great acting performances. Unfortunately not by Bale, though.

I sincerely hope none of us will ever have the opportunity to say "I was right, strange AV Club commentator!" :-D

Haha. I didn't say it would be fun for the survivors, just that there is now so many of us that a complete extinction of the human race is improbable, as long as there is still life on earth.

I hate to be that guy, but even if a global thermonuclear war destroyed 99% of humanity, there would stil be 74 million people left on Earth..

"Anthropomorphized depression" sounds like a really crappy metal album.

"..though the experiments were actually conducted on mice, it seems fair to assume that the results would be similar on a human." = Journalists everywhere, writing about science.
That's not how it works, you dolt!

I thought exactly the same thing. It's a pretty good title for a movie. Has a sort of "Live, Die, Repeat"-vibe to it.

Goddamn you! I just watched TWO Jack Reacher trailers, and not a tank top in sight!

That is the worst trailer ever! I've seen art films made by high school students that looked more promising than this!
So the answer to your question is "Yes. All of them!"

Danzig with tears in his eyes..