No Longer Stranger

Well shit. Dope Body gets an AV club mention, however dubious.

Nice to see Arctic Flowers get some love on the AV Club. Has anyone heard Deskonocidos' "En La Oscuridad?" Similar, but better. And sung entirely in Spanish.

"That said, this episode needed more Ray Wise."

Re: Video Game option, which I'm surprised the AV Club hasn't taken note of yet. Maybe they have and I just haven't noticed: http://welcometotwinpeaks.c…

Does Talking Heads' "The Overload" count as an unhappy ending?

Tough shit
It was pretty cool to see a TV show take a genuinely unpredictable turn, but I don't think I'm prepared to live in a world in which South Park makes me feel like I've just listened to Joy Division's "Closer."

Liker, I like you a lot.

Just so we're on the same page . . .
The Halal Meats shop they broke into is the same one we saw Stan and Belko in during the pilot, right?

Man, as far as I remember that album was 2003, along with "Elephant." Also, it would have been nice to see a mention of the first Black Eyes LP, even though that reached a smaller audience.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs' "Fever To Tell"
Last good thing that band did and an unconscionable snub in this article.

Yeah that too. While I very much enjoy Twin Peaks, I consider myself much more a fan of David Lynch in general than Twin Peaks specifically. When I first read about the series, my reaction to it is that it was basically Twin Peaks sans the fun parts. In other words, all Packard Saw Mill and Ben Horne business

Some Thoughts
During the grocery store scene my cable was acting up. All I saw of it at first was Mitch and Richmond in the grocery store. When I watched the rerun at 11, I was pretty disappointed to find out all they had was a brief yet grave chat. I thought Mitch had some shady connection to the Richmond campaign.

I can definitely see the rooftop guy or the mobster being somehow involved, but they didn't do it themselves. The orders might have gone out on high from either one of them, though.

I KNEW I recognized him!

I voted for Gwen . . .
. . . in the suspect tracker this week, though I don't think Jamie's off the hook quite yet. He's still my prime suspect, as he appears just amoral and sociopathic enough to do so, in the name of somehow advancing the Richmond campaign. That being said, he seems too smart and logical to think

As long as we're on LA punk and death rock, what's good to know about TSOL?

Cool Stuff
Definitely looking to check out the LA punk documentary. "Bloodstains" vs. "We Don't Need Freedom" is a tough choice, but let's not forget "A Human Certainty" from the same Saccharine Trust EP. Interesting that you should do a write up on the Adolescents LP, as I'm starting to get interested in Rikk

A point related to "Pink Flag"
Couldn't agree more about what you said about Wire's debut. Related to that point, it's interesting how it influenced both art punk and hardcore. I've long thought that classic punk was more so the literal swan song of classic rock, while art punk and hardcore were really when punk

Good Entry
Nice to see the VSS get a mention.

Good for him
Murphy comes off like a really good guy for this. I always thought paying hundreds of bucks for a show was crap as well, and it's nice to hear him say this. Wish I could go, but lord knows if I'd be able to make it up to NYC in March, much less get tickets.