No Longer Stranger

Lovecraft, much like you the first "modern" rock I liked was the whole garage rock/post-punk revival thing. My tastes were a little more NYC centric than yours though, aside from the White Stripes my favorites being the Strokes, Interpol and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The only other options at that time were Blink 182

"An Inception-style thriller"
It's interesting that a show should be described as that, as for all of its strengths, I thought Inception would have worked better as a TV show. It's true that if that were the case, production values might have suffered and it could not have attracted so many big names to the cast, but

Jason-Thanks for the link. I've already made plans to see them in April and it's nice to have some insight into the album.

Aw man! :(
As one of the first bands that definitively wasn't my parents' music that I got in to, I find this much sadder than I thought I would, even though I really haven't listened to them in years. I tuned out right around that last album and Jack White becoming busy with other projects.

Sorry for listing Liars twice. One of those should read "Love of Diagrams," although honestly I'm still not sure what I thought of their record this year.

Thank You AV Club!
It's great to see a column like this! For four years during college, I hosted a radio show that focused on the intersection of art rock and punk, so bands like Wire, At The Drive-In, Fugazi, Bloc Party and Moss Icon among others got a lot of play.

That song was actually one of my write-ins for the AV Undercover vote.

Some trying stuff
Still making my mind up about this one, though embarrassingly this show has me hooked. One thing that's sure, is that it was quite the harrowing hour of television, between the abandonment, sudden poverty, intense family dysfunction and dead sibling.

I'd actually expect that to be a lot higher. I can't remember the last time I paid less than $8 for a first-run movie.

Wow . . .
So it's no surprise how unbearable U2 are, and it seems like every single person in Dig! is wildly unpleasant, but Lil' Wayne doesn't really come across as a dick per se, he just seems broken and sad more than anything.

Keep in mind I haven't seen the British version . . .
Honestly, I was surprised I watched the pilot, and even more surprised I tuned in again for this episode. This is probably due to my curiosity being piqued after hearing it was set in Baltimore's affluent suburbs, where my family moved from the city when I was