Choosing between Shaileene Woodley and Brie Larson? That's a trilogy's worth of material right there.
Choosing between Shaileene Woodley and Brie Larson? That's a trilogy's worth of material right there.
There's only 1 Gun in that picture! LIES! PURE HOLLYWOOD LIES!!!
He was quoting a Chief Keef tweet.
Does Brendan Gleeson call Smurfette a cunt multiple times.
I still do that high-pichted cough around friends.
I'm incredibly excited for this. Whenever Ben Stiller works on something he genuinely cares about (The Cable Guy/Zoolander/Tropic Thunder, Arrested Development, Burning Love, etc.), the results are excellent.
Damn it, Stiller. I'm a coal miner, not a professional film and television actor.
Speaking of Herzog, I watched "Stroszek" for the first time a few weeks ago. I rewatched it with a friend the moment it was done. After my friend left, I rewatched it with Herzog's commentary.
HE DISCOVERED AMERICA! *rolls up sleeves in preparation for fisticuffs*
It's Parnell's matter-of-factness about all his answers that makes it hilarious.
*The Simpsons' "Axel F" soundalike plays*
Just be aware. Those Hollywood executives have a way of getting your goat.
I too can conjure animals! (doves)
"Oldboy"? More like "Oh, boy!", as in "This looks pointless", am I right?
"I know I said 'an arm and a leg', but this is ridiculous!" (Since this is modern-era Pixar, Adam Carolla would voice the lead.)
Unrelated note: I'm doing my first run-through of The Wire (no spoilers, please), and good God is he awesome on that show.
@avclub-b49ebc5e771d216bfd346a5d434e6975:disqus The use of Fernando in Community's "Epidemiology" scratched that (very present) itch for me.
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