Magical Pansexual Non-threaten

Ooh-wee, T-Shane!

Glenn Close's "D'oh!" always gets a sputtering laugh from me.

Up yours, children!

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

His meltdown in the eclipse episode of season 20 is one of my favorites.

Introduce that fact in the first episode, then have him stand off in the distance watching the contestants while holding a fork and knife for the rest of the season.

*Rides away on bicycle*

Technically not a cast member, but where's Danny DeVito completely breaking at Lovitz's "YOU SHOT ME!"?

Uh-oh, it's seeping in!

It still scares the shit out of me when Willie realizes he left his gun on the seat.

More like Fred WORST, amirite?

…Welcome back to music videos, Chris Cunningham?

Chris Brown.

I hate it when they eat that ead horse named Jesus Christ.

Oh, THAT'S what it means to Peacock comedy!

@avclub-dc955b7f2360f5ac6560ddd8272f6800:disqus I keep on confusing Guardians of the Galaxy with Rise of the Guardians, so my first reaction was "Why would someone bother getting abs to do voiceover work?".

Dominic Dierkes is writing on Workaholics, I believe.

At the end of the show, we always ask guests to say Keep it Crispin.

Fuck this.

Listening to Jonathan Banks deliver the line "I've suffered so long. When will I die?" as a love tester just got added to my bucket list.