Adherent of the Repeated Meme

As of now, 189 comments. But let's get to 5,500!

If you produce an Oscar-winning short film, does that count as being an "Oscar Winner?"

Yeah, I'm a bad jew. My level of hebrew is such that I can't tell the difference.

Has anyone noticed that Hansa doesn't mention Morena Baccarin by name once, even after being asked about her directly? Maybe it comes up later, or maybe his comments about her were boring and were edited out, but… just noticing, I guess.

The Kaddish is Hebrew, but that's cool, whatever, Aramaic is cool, too.

I picked this forum because to quote Hear God Laugh, "This show is fucking stupid," and yet no one is covering Justified? Because I'd rather eat Raylen's hat than watch this show.

When the founding fathers (tm) talked about "prior restraint," this is what they were scared of. Well, you know what I mean.

They really pulled the motorcycle right up to the edge of the shark tank on that scene, didn't they?

Also B-ooooooooooooo-ring. Which is also just me.


That was pre-Black Swan. Mr. Oscar is a very good matre'd

Lindsey is the toe head. Or neck head.

Has anyone mentioned that Charlize Theron is the most beautiful woman ever on Top Chef? And my girlfriend wants to include on that list Eric Ripert, whom she considers to be her secret boyfriend.

A very welcome addition to my Thursday ritual. Thanks!

I think that knowing that Latrell Sprewell is a joke to be made is enough information for the show.

I thought Family of Blood or Blink is more the Doctor Who for non-whovians and whovians alike. But I'm old(er) school that way.

The Apology was pretty damn good. I just remember that Eli's Coming was also part of as close to an episode arc as TV could do in 1998. Plus, the song, what was that called? Oh right!

SportsNight, Eli's Coming. Perfect 30 minutes of television.

It might be a hit because people google her name.

War Horse got an A. War. Horse. An A.