Adherent of the Repeated Meme

Will be interesting to see whether Ghost Rider 2 slips in with a gentleman's D-

How many F's were given in all of 2011?

I liked it. Except that I disagree that Marnie is a worse name than Trish. Um, spoilers, I guess.

Also, she was in TITO's Yugoslavia. Not Toto. Toto was a dog of a leader, but still…

Hey, this is great, I love Lidia (seriously) and Mr. Tucci. But how does this get coverage and not the g-d Hobbit trailer? Um, did I mention I love Lidia?

Why the HELL can I watch the The Hobbit trailer on Huffpo but not here???

I can't believe I'm about to use this expression about RHOBH, but it was totally heartbreaking hearing Russell say, "Just let us go" at the end. I think he really had no idea that Taylor had told everyone else, and at that moment knew he was totally defeated. Sad.

Why not an F?

I'm a little late to this party, but surely someone has mentioned SportsNight? Just dated enough to be interesting, just prescient enough to be, well, interesting.

My affection for Community is almost unending but these posters kinda suck.

I know I'm supposed to like people of all shapes and sizes… but man, Sarah's a fat b*tch. "It's hard to have to be the boss, but no one else would do it!" in the confessional, but to the judges, "I never wanted to be the boss, why would you say I was in charge???"

For what it's worth, Raphel did not get the job. They are "considering him for their future beverage line." Which means that someone else is the PR director for Ronan. He'll be the PR director for Ronan Slushee.

I don't have much of an opinion, I liked it ok on the one listen through I had, but man oh man, you gave Childish Gamb a C+ on the day that NBC crapped on Community. Shit's gonna get real in the comments section.

Am I the first to say that I don't watch this show, but occasionally check various lower-life sites to see if there's been any class-A nudity? Ok, then.

I can't say that I love this show, but it's pretty darn sad. And as someone who is still friends with my ex, with whom I share a less-than-perfect history (though not as imperfect as Amy and Levi's), I very much connected with the feeling of seeing that person as a symbol of a past and even the future.

I don't think any of them weighed as much as 120 pounds.

I couldn't read what the T-shirt said… could anyone make that out?

It's Le Tigre, for sure. What is wrong with you people??

They replaced her shoulders with guns. How does she aim at anything but the ceiling??

In terms of the son, I don't think it was that obvious. Chalky doesn't refer to him in any way.