Adherent of the Repeated Meme

Mrs Repeated Meme thinks that song is awesome. The Salon.com review of the episode today thinks it's the best thing about the show. Me, I think it's a decent song for an opening sequence.

Chalky gets a walk-on role as a biology professor on Community. Just a guess.

Her real life role (or supposed real life role) as "The Director's Wife" on various gossip sites is at least as creepy as her role in the show.

or not—

When does this start? Dinklage wins, right?

I especially like how she makes it very clear that she has no interest whatsoever in training, developing, or investing any energy in her employees. Because what I really want in a boss/company is a clear commitment to not caring about me.

Here's one vote that you continue to cover RHOBH. 

Any chance of seeing Leslie's Bibb or Michelle's borth?

I think the Dice thing isn't over… there was something going on there… like he's going to find out that Dice sold him out.

@Wallflower: Awesome explan-i-brag there.

Sound of Music?
I'm a little rusty on my older movie trivia, but wasn't the dresses-from-curtains from Gone with the Wind? Or was that a common movie trope once upon a time?

The best thing Bert can do now is lose gracefully and hope that someone hires him based on his past work experience.

I also think it's interesting that in earlier seasons the mere use of a glue-gun was a major source of controversy. In last night's episode, several of the designs exclusively used glue and didn't sew anything. Hmmm.

I think it's interesting that in no case did they ask any of the contestants how someone would actually wear the outfit… I get it; it's "couture." But if they can ask "where is this girl going?" to several contestants, couldn't they ask, "How would this person sit down?" The birdseed outfit was completely unwearable.

I hate to say it, but did anyone else get a whiff—just a whiff—of some kind of anti-Josh C. discrimination? They seemed to mention several times that he's mormon and married (which means that he's the worst kind of straight—a closeted homosexual). I don't know, I just felt like his designs got criticisms that no one

Yeah, it's lazy, but god it's funny.

Still do not understand how Supes has muscles. Does he benchpress Jupiter for exercise?

I guess what I didn't say is…
… I'm tired of listening to wearier-than-thou "my hatred of retro started before meta-retro was retro—I'm that cool."

Retro retro-ism
Like many here, I am addicted to pop culture and ironic criticism of same. And so it's with a combination of jealousy (that I didn't think of it) and dread that I watch the inception-level russian nested doll experience of reading about a book that discusses the on-going pop culture fascination with

Irony is a dish best served cold. Plus, easier to get rights.