Adherent of the Repeated Meme

Entourage v Food Network Star
I'll say this, I watched Entourage w the possibility of somone f*cking Bobby Flay, over Next Food Network Star, which is someone getting f*cked by Bobby Flay. (plus chance of Giada cleavage.)

I forget, is Sorkin's new show (1/2 Studio 60 + 1/2 Sports Night + a dash of "I'll get it right this time!") on HBO, or another network? And is it coming before, say, 2017?

What? No first comment about how great being first is?
Luckily, I have my Adherent of the Repeated Memo napkin to protect me from both MS and canceraids.

Tokay Gecko?
Am I missing something about the deadliness of Tokay Geckos? Top 6,000 deadliest animals maybe.

Harkness is like Kirk^2 in terms of sluttiness.

No, we have definitely not seen her nekkid.

The secret is that The Big Show was the best thing on TV in 1995, best written, most intersesting, most intelligent show.

Sports Night

the remoteness of Bristol fostered a culture of frat-boy drunkenness and sexual harassment
wow, that's like a whole Alaska sexual harassment suit right there.

According to the redband trailer from, um, Fleshbot I just saw, we're going to see both of her breckenridges next week.

There seems to be a typo
It says "Terriers" instead of Sports Night and then accidentally describes Terriers and not the brilliant last episode of Sports Night, Quo Vadimus.