
Perm and a jump suit: not even Helen Mirren can pull it off.

In the broadest sense of "people go into space to investigate something" they're similar, but anything beyond that, no.

He's rebranded as Oscar Isaac.

Yeah, it amazes me that anyone takes Range Life as if it's seriously trying to say anything about either of those bands. Pavement lyrics are pretty much meaningless on a literal level.

Thanks a lot, Obama… for making us laugh!

Oh man, I showed this sketch to my band, which is diverse in sexual identity, forgetting that Frank drops a hard F-bomb in it (and not fuck). It was awkward.

I hope they play I Did it Dad's Way at his funeral.

I liked that they mainly stuck to Golden Era Simpsons.

Generations of Jedi have died at my hands.

"what it is to be human"

Getting a ton of hate is really a testament to how great she is. People always save the most vitriol for the ones in the top of their field. Haters are a real thing.

The diner in Back to the Future 2 looks more futuristic than that place.

And your username is a next-level reference. I salute you.

The way I can tell you respect the movie is you called him Achoo instead of Dave Chappelle.

No, didn't you read the article? That scene was only in the movie because they could "get" Michael Winslow, not because it's hilarious from start to finish.

But it has all these cool new capabilities you don't want and will never use!

Thank god. I had to scroll all through this horrible comment system to find the AV Club bashing thread.

Favorite Eddie Van Halen is an asshole moment. At some awards show they interview David Lee Roth about why the Van Halen reunion rumors fell apart:


You must be a hoot at parties.