The Alexing

My favorite cable edit is for Quick Change, in which they seamlessly replace "fucking" with "viking" throughout the movie. Hence Geena Davis's exasperated "This is a viking nightmare!"

Wait, so all your whining and weird food metaphors could have been avoided if I had just attached an "in my opinion" to the original post?

I honestly didn't think suggesting that an immensely popular and critically acclaimed TV show is "one of the best" would be such a controversial statement, but I forgot how the internet works for a moment. I remember now.

Stop reaching, you already won when you said GoT is just like Xena! Bask in the glory, odduck!

Porn is not a TV show, but I WANT to agree with you!

Yes, when asked, everyone should always rank their top 20 TV shows without taking into consideration whether or not they actually enjoy those shows.

And I'm sure you are in no way delusional about what YOU consider to be the top 20. Because obviously there is a correct and factual top 20 and you figured it out.

Haha, yeah, fuck this guy and his lovingly crafted epic fantasy that's spawned one of the best TV shows of all time! What a lazy asshole!

I listen to the podcast because it makes me laugh, and I watch the TV show becauseā€¦ the podcast makes me laugh.

There's also the Futurama whale expert who hates whales.

Again, Jack was locked in the pantry or at least barricaded in there. Remember that Hannibal kept trying to force himself inside, desperately so even, but he never made it in. He didn't really have a choice but to leave Jack in whatever condition he was in.

I think he gave up trying to kill Jack out of necessity, what with Jack locked up in the pantry and the cops on the way, but really he would have wanted Jack 100% dead.

So about the blocking in that picture, was someone actively trying to make a statement about Chevy Chase or is it just a mistake that no one noticed or cared enough about to fix during the shoot?

Just watched this episode for the first time, and that scene drove me nuts. I get that those little tendrils were snagging Rory's feet so maybe it was too late to save him, but why couldn't they just toss his killer's body in the crack? If her history had been erased, then Rory would never have been shot.

This has been already been mentioned before. But the two repetitions still have still not been addressed!

Same here. Minus the family part. I was a little horrified by what Bart's voice sounds like now.

From the planet Gal-I-Sprayed.


The only girl I've ever loved
was born with roses in her eyes
but then they bit her on the thigh
one evening 1945
a zombie horde ripped up her sides

I regret not keeping tabs on their tour. Their show in Brooklyn ended up being one of their best episodes.