
You say that, but you don't have to deal with the condition in which he returns the Ford Fiesta.

I fully endorse this sentiment.  I'm genuinely surprised to see that Monk/Conti have such a dedicated following in these reviews and comments.  So Tom takes a minute in the first episode to explain that his sister lives with a puppet on her arm 24/7 as some sort of coping mechanism and everyone in the world just

It would have to be in mini-series format.They went from newborns to walking and talking toddlers overnight.  At that rate they would be fully grown adults in a couple of weeks or so.  That being said, I'm sure the writers will find a way to drag the storyline out all season.  The timline on this show is pretty

Rehnquist was a visionary.  Not one but FOUR gold bands around each arm of his robes?  That's showmanship people.  For far too long American jurisprudence had been suffering from a lack of quality production values.  Of course, I'd have taken the next logical step with some tasteful NASCAR-esque sponsors patches

Rehnquist was a visionary.  Not one but FOUR gold bands around each arm of his robes?  That's showmanship people.  For far too long American jurisprudence had been suffering from a lack of quality production values.  Of course, I'd have taken the next logical step with some tasteful NASCAR-esque sponsors patches

So her inability to act is what makes the Cersei character well acted?  Nonsense.

So her inability to act is what makes the Cersei character well acted?  Nonsense.

Over/under on the number of lasses successfully wooed during the filming of that Swedish bikini skinimax flick…I'm going with 4.

Over/under on the number of lasses successfully wooed during the filming of that Swedish bikini skinimax flick…I'm going with 4.

"Touchdown Timmy" is good, but I prefer that he be referred to as "the runslinger."

"Touchdown Timmy" is good, but I prefer that he be referred to as "the runslinger."

Ah, thanks.  Do the theaters pay anything upfront for the reel (or digital copy of the movie), or is it all based on revenue sharing?

Ah, thanks.  Do the theaters pay anything upfront for the reel (or digital copy of the movie), or is it all based on revenue sharing?

If the film costs "in the neighborhood of $250 million" to make, and another $100 million to market, yet needs to gross $700 million to break even, whats the breakdown of the other $350 million that I'm not seeing?  Is that just the cut of gross ticket sales that goes to the theaters?  I honestly have now idea how

If the film costs "in the neighborhood of $250 million" to make, and another $100 million to market, yet needs to gross $700 million to break even, whats the breakdown of the other $350 million that I'm not seeing?  Is that just the cut of gross ticket sales that goes to the theaters?  I honestly have now idea how

I've always wanted to work in an office where my name and title are hand-painted old school on my office door.  Apart from looking great, it seems to convey a sense of job stability.  I'm guessing more than once a business owner has thought to himself "you know, I wouldnt mind firing that asshole, but then I would

I've always wanted to work in an office where my name and title are hand-painted old school on my office door.  Apart from looking great, it seems to convey a sense of job stability.  I'm guessing more than once a business owner has thought to himself "you know, I wouldnt mind firing that asshole, but then I would

I can't wait to see who has to do the windows!

I can't wait to see who has to do the windows!

If his reverse mortgage commercials have taught us nothing else, its that Mr. Wagner does not stoop to such levels.