
If his reverse mortgage commercials have taught us nothing else, its that Mr. Wagner does not stoop to such levels.

No love for "The Obvious Child?"  Those drums never fail to put me in a good mood. 

No love for "The Obvious Child?"  Those drums never fail to put me in a good mood. 

60% of the time, it works every time.

60% of the time, it works every time.

Much like myself, Tony would have moved on to the Military Channel by now.  90% WWII, 5% WWI, 5% Miscellaneous.

Yeah, it was a bit groan worthy seeing the solo guard run headlong into the cell of the guy who is (a) one of the most competent killers in the land, and (b) the critical bargining chip whos life is securing the continued existance of one or more Stark children.

Thanks.  The way they spoke of it I got the impression that it was more than just another victory by the Starks.  Also, while I love all scenes with Tywin, he doesn't seem to be doing much in terms of effective strategizing, particularly given his reputation as a brilliant tactician. 

Can someone remind me of who Robb was supposed to be accepting the surrender of and how that impacts the overall campaign against the Lannisters?  I'm afraid I missed that completely.