
Was that a side dis on Paul Ryan?

Tell it to the jury.

That was a solid episode but a TOTAL waste of William Forsythe. Guy fucking owns and he deserved his own arc.

Felch Me If You Can

How can you assume Carruth didn't have it all figured out, then purposely scrambled it to leave us guessing? Dude's a physicist. He's smart. I think he should be given the benefit of the doubt. Damon Lindelof, on the other hand…

Huh, Primer is one movie I've never ran into any dissent on. I love it, it's one of a kind and baffling in the best way.

The Wolf of Wall Street is a masterpiece. I will brook no argument.

I don't think anybody's mentioned "Over", my personal favorite.  Walt "quitting" cooking meth, going to Home Depot over and over again (anybody who owns a home has done that exact thing), and that badass ending with the rival cooks in the parking lot.
"Stay out of my territory"

They introduced that percussive theme in S4, and there's the three-note Heisenberg motif too.  But yeah, it's mostly just ambient synth-drones.


Yeah but where do you live that you get to watch Breaking Bad in a theater?  As Liz Lemon would say, "I want to go to that place it sounds awesome"

Your = Your

Wouldn't 6 be the only number that's a product of sequential primes?  I'm not counting 2 because 1 isn't prime.  Either way, thanks for choosing this forum to bring this topic to light.

Heart of the City yo.

Yeah, Standards or TNT are perfectly accessible.

Hey and I'll never forget when he told Johnny Sack to go fuck himself under that overpass.
"I'll give ya undignified, John"

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus Nice humblebrag.  Now watch The Sopranos already.  One of the great achievements,  if not THE great achievement, of it's medium.

Holy Shit, I saw that movie when I was a kid and it fucked me up.  Had no idea what it was called until now.  Thanks, nerds!

I actually do know Michelle, and she really is just a sweetheart.  I know they wanted to sell her as the "quirky" one but that's just her personality.  You should check out My Dear Disco, Ella Riot, and S/he for examples of her awesomeness pre-Voice.