
Sin City 2: Look Who's Sinning Too

Michelle for life.

Yup.  Don't get all the sarcasm around here.  Anything Scorsese does is worth seeing.

Everything about Goon is the best thing about Goon.

That joke took balls.

Jeff Hanneman was the metal equivalent of John Coltrane.  A fucking tornado of notes and squeals.  I doubt we'll ever see anything like him again.

My Decade of Dreck-ade?

I'm pretty sure it's filmspotting they're all headed to.  Which is great and all, but I hope they expand the site to include long-form articles and not just podcasts.

Wow.  Uh, thanks?

The Town 2: The 2 Towns

2ic2 A22

I can't wait to watch this.  And I'm a Scientist!

They totally ripped that off in Casino Royale.

Why, I've even seen a horse fly and a board walk!

It's Priest meets Legion meets Jonah Hex!  Those were popular films, right?

*funky cesna*

Oh Shoot, another awful pun thread.

I love John Lurie.  I actually got hooked on The Backyardigans a while back because his music for it is so good.

Beasts of the Southern Wild had a pretty kick-ass main theme.

Would you ask Tom Petty that?