Kit Jackson 1967

I remember her as the middle child from "American Dreams."

Maybe it's a Venus Butterfly situation.

I could see this as a movie that would be excellent. As a series, I have less faith in the project.

In therapy based on things he saw backstage at the Muppet Theatre in the 1970. Seriously, what were his parents thinking. It's the 1970s, and they're sending him to spend backstage with a show that has a rock band. Kermit can't watch him every second.

That biography was amazing.

What do you meanlosing Rizzo?! Won't they find someone else to take over the role/character? He's one of my favorite muppets.

I would watch an all Muppet episode of "@midnight." I think Fozzie, Gonzo, and Rowlf would work best, but I'm open to other suggestions.

My understanding is that Franklin went to High School in the Valley, and either dropped out of college or never went to college.

That could work. The adults haven't aged enough to make it impossible.

Before the series finished, I hoped Harry would end up with Hermione, Neville with Luna, and I wanted Ron to end up with an American he met later in life after he graduated from Hogwarts.

It's a summer romance, and they both realize on some level that it is not a lasting long term relationship.

Does that make Ducky and Andie the prototype for "Will and Grace?"

You are correct.

7 years isn't outrageous but those 7 years are massive. The difference between 30 and 37 isn't nearly as significant.

There's a definite "Now what?" vibe to that last moment.

He's the hero, he's the leader, his type doesn't always get the girl. Think of the old westerns, and it makes slightly more sense.

I disagree. They both have a passion for their work and getting the story. He knows her well, and that's important in a relationship.

I had to explain this to my father a few years ago when he downloaded "50 Shades of Gray" as an ebook because it was number 1 on the New York Times Bestseller List in the fiction category.

I love "12 Days of Christmas" from that album.

You are 100% correct. It also stinks that they wouldn't cough up for the music rights.