Kit Jackson 1967

And Baby Bunsen.

That's how you start the modern day reboot. David Hasselhoff is still alive. It'll appeal to older boomers. Quick, get CBS on the phone. I have a new show to pitch.

The first time I sw Knight Rider as a young adult, I shouted at the screen "Mr. Feeny is the voice of the car!"

This is one of my favorite SNL sketches of all time. It's even funnier in retrospect.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. That was incredibly useful information.

Love it!

Not even kidding, they should totally bring back phone booths in some fashion to promote the next Superman movie.

Sad but true.

Accurate and unfortunate.

I wondered about that too.

I'll bet Universal will make a deal with Nintendo so they can have something new for thier parks. Universal can't build anything new that's Marvel related, so Nintendo may be a possible way to grow and expand.

This sounds like something that's dangerous close to a Monopoloy, unless I'm missing something.

Bette Middler had a pretty big gay fanbase when the movie came out. (Also, I love your username.)

She goes back to being 13 again with the memories of her possible future.

There is magic. A 13 year old wishes to be 30 and is magically transported 17 years into the future (think "Back to the Future", only she's transported into the future by magic instead of a Delorean.) Everyone around her has memories of the past 17 years, but she skipped over them.

"Hitch" instantly comes to mind.

Or maybe it's something along the lines of "The Sting" where they're low level/small time con men.

I thought he won the Falcon fair and square in a side bet during a card game.

Then you order a jeep, or a helicopter.

I was really hoping Aldis Hodge would get the role.