Kit Jackson 1967

That was similar to one of my friend's comments years later. Their plan is just to pollute for the sake of polluting, it's not a by-product of something else/part of a larger villain scheme.

I was born before '93 and I remember intense games of Bop It! at a party.

I liked it. "Alex Mack's a girl with powers and a hat on her head."

I know it almost happened, but to me the more important fact was that it didn't. It was debated and discussed but ultimately the British decided (for a vast number of complicated reasons) nope, we're going to sit this out.

Flashback to the giant time gap between seasons 4 and 5 and show us how Margaret dealt with Rothstein's death.

I'm not an expert, but I thought Apartheid was more similar to segregation than slavery.

That makes sense to me. The British wouldn't support the Confederacy during the Civil War.

I will take the stage version of "Grease" over the film version any day. I have an entire rant about why the film is better than the stage version, and a large part of it is about the music. "Those Magic Changes" is a great tribute to Ricky Nelson on "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" and the old B rock and roll

If you're still here at last call, you'll get to hear Bea Arthur sing.

EVOO sounds more like a droid than an ewok. (Energy Vegetation Output Optimizer-it has something to do with food preparation). This is the AVClub someone is going to come up with something better/funnier, and I'm okay with that.

If it makes you feel any better, I spent two weeks in two different cities constantly seeing ads (on busses/public transit) for Haagen Daz, and broke down and went to a scoop shop.

Yes to Allison Brie as Gadget, but I'm not sure about Russell Crowe.

There's nothing wrong with offering nuggets, especially since it may be a special treat that's only for when the parents eat out and not something they'd have at home. At the same time, there's no reason the kids' menu couldn't also include other more adventures (but still kid friendly) options.

I like the idea of offering smaller portions and/or slightly less spicy versions of the main dish as a kids' menu instead of the standard kids menu fare.

I was wondering about that too. It could be a flashback, which would explain just about everything.

Do we know he was a deadbeat dad? I always thought he was away from home working but also sending money back.

That's sort of what I was thinking. You said it better than I did.

I have a fan theory that Han and Chewie are big fans of classic rock. They do a wicked air guitar and sing along to the music.

I've seen actors smoke in plays. They use herbal cigarettes which smell awful.

Light kid's story? The pink elephants gave me nightmares. The thought of what Tim Burton would do them them is terrifying.