Kit Jackson 1967

I know. It doesn't sound American. It sounds like the fake 2015 slang from "Back to the Future Part 2"

I want a Marauders series too. However, the project that is actually going to happen could be okay. I see it as an Indiana Jones type thing, only instead of tracking down artifacts, the hero is going after magical creatures.

Serious question-Is the concession speech a legal/official requirement. Does he have to give a speech? Could he just send a tweet if he wanted to?

"Officer Krupke" has always been my favorite song in the show.

That was the original idea, then the creative team realized they were remaking "Abbie's Irish Rose," which they all hated. The creative team was by a pool in LA, reading about Chicano gang wars in LA, and inspiration struck.

I don't think that flipping Cool/Krupke makes each stronger, but it does drastically change the meaning or tone of each song. I see it as more an artistic choice than an imporvement. I will say that "West Side Story" is one of the few movie musicals that doesn't ruin the stage show.

Because this one is going to be much better.

More important question-do they even own thier songs?

That makes sense. I could totally see him doing that.

I have no problem believing that Niles has Jewish friends, either from college, medical school, or his current social circle. That's why I didn't question the fact that he knew a few Yiddish words/phrases. That all rang true to me. It was the knowledge of kosher wine that seemed strange. Jews rarely drink kosher wine

I love “The Holiday Armadillo.” It is one of my favorite episodes, because it's so funny.

I love this episode! There's one thing that I've always wondered. How does Niles know what kosher wine tastes like? Having been married to someone Jewish, I would not be surprised if Frasier had tasted it once or twice, like if he and Lilith went to her parents for Passover one year, or something like that.

No, The Band is on first. The Who play later.

Works for me. I'd go see that.

Isn't it faster/easier to say "Happy Holidays," than "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year?"

I totally agree. Dean Martin was singing "Happy Holidays" well before the era of inclusiveness/multiculturalism/being politically correct.

I was going to post the exact same thing. I always thought the song was about two friends, possibly former lovers, who reunite years later and talk about one of the couples they knew back in high school.

Too perfect!

The Frozen sing along replacing Muppet Vision 3D for a few months is 100% true. The rumor is unconfirmed. This could turn out to be temporary, and when the Frozen thing is over, Muppet Vision 3D could return to its rightful place in the park.

It would be outdoors, so you could spend as much time or as little time as you wanted.