Kit Jackson 1967

You can't say lesbain anymore, it's women in comfortable shoes (RIP Robin Williams)

Spinal Tap as a stage show. It would be an awesome concert experience.

Sherlock should be a 3D movie, or a walk through of the apartment.

I'm with you. I'd rather fight than switch. I'll keep my ipod classic and my blackberry.

They do. I like Cantina 2 better.

This would be great merchandise. Stromtrooper helmets that are drums, and stromtrooper helmets that are cups.

Me too! It's always nice to meet another fan of Ewoks.

I love this idea!

I'm going to Disneyland with a friend next month, and we're both totally dissapointed that Muppet Vision has been replaced by a Frozen sing a long. We have also both heard rumors that they may be getting rid of Muppet Vision in Disneyland completely, which would be awful.

Ewoks Jamboree would work better, because we know Ewoks play music. If you wanted Wookiee themed entertainment, you know now that I'm remembering what Wookkiee's like to watch-the electronic wow, it might not be such a great idea for a family park.

Where did the joke that the Cantina band only know one song get started from? They main characters are not in the Cantina that long, so it makes total sense you wouldn't hear that many songs.

If they do a Star Wars section of one of the parks the way they did Cars Land, I really hope they build/want to see:
the Cantina
Endor-something like Chip and Dale's tree house, but larger and connected to other things (maybe have a performance space where Ewoks can play music)

I want Scott Bakula, even though he's old now.

I like the idea of remaking "Robin and the Seven Hoods." However, it should have some of the cast of Ocean's 11, and Matt Bomer.

Me too! That was one of my favorite Disney movies as a kid, and I still listen to the soundtrack on a regular basis.

There was a summer with two asteriod movies, and another summer with two movies about insects, so you might be onto something.

The Flynn version on the big screen would be amazing! Do it as a double feature with the animated Disney version, and I would totally see that.

Yes. I have a classic that I love and use in my apartment, on the train and at the gym all the time.

You've been reading too much fan-fiction.

Hogwarts shoudln't have to teach basic literacy. How to read and write is for primary/elementary school. By age 11, when they start Hogwarts, students should be able to read and write at a basic level.