Kit Jackson 1967

I got a glass used on "Happy Days" and it came with a certificate of authentiicty.

I'm not sure about the other two, but the lion in the movie is coded as gay (which is okay). He knows exactly what kind of fabric he wants his robe made out of, he's wearing a bow in his hair (after a trip to the beauty parlor), and he ends up with the same hairstyle as Judy Garland.

I agree. When Max asked his parents if he had been harassing Dylan, Adam and Kristina should have said yes. The yes should have been followed with something like "You made a mistake, but it doesn't make you a monster. The important thing is to learn from this. Don't repeat your mistake. When a girl says no, that means

And you knew where you were then
Girls were girls and men and were men
(there's two more lyrics that don't need an update)

Didn't need no welfare state/everybody pulled his weight (some lines work without an update)

The rules have nothing to do with comedy vs drama. It's network vs. cable. "Breaking Bad" and "Game of Thrones" are both cable. HBO is premium, which is another new category.

Camille said she'd think about the trip if the doctor cleared Zeek for travel. Also, I think this was also one of those, it's the thought that counts situations.

Watch the first three seasons. The first episode gives you a good idea of what the series (or at least the first three seasons) are like.

There's no Meatloaf left. Some big guy ate it all.

Unless the driver agrees to grant the person sitting in shutgun music privilages. However, the driver does retain veto power.

I watched the first season, but decided it was too over the top for me. It was sex and violence for the sake of sex and violence, which didn't appeal to me. I loved the cars. They were gorgeous. I wanted all of them. Those beautiful cars on the big screen would be amazing.

They (the writers) never developed Drew as a character. We don't really know that much about him. If it had been Amber declaring a finance major, that would have been a major shock, but with Drew, he's still such a blank slate.

And as someone else pointed out, she could get hand-me-downs from Adam and Crosby's kids. It's not like the stuff is so old it's dangerous/unsafe.

I think Nora might still need a stroller, but I'm sure there's plenty of stuff they could give Amber. Same thing with Crosby and Jasmine. Aidia must have outgrown some of her baby things by now.

I agree with you Drew. He knows he can fall back on his family, but he doesn't want to. He's not about to make a last resort the go-to plan. Also, econ seems like a pretty flexible degree. He could do a lot of different things with it, not just big Wall Street type jobs.

I know what you mean. When I used to live in Connecticut, I'd see the New York and New Jersey ads, in addition to the Connecticut ads.

In person voter fraud happens so rarely, it's barely an issue. A malfunctioning vote machine is a seperate unrelated issue. Conflating the two makes no sense.

That was basically my thought. If they want to bring back variety shows, bring back "The Muppet Show," and have Neil Patrick Harris on as the guest. Other people they should have as guests: Tina Fey, Billy Joel, Hugh Laurie, Jimmy Fallon, Steven Colbert, Amy Poehler, Lady GaGa (I know the Thanksgiving special was a

Except Max doesn't have another educational aide, and why would Adam and Kristina care that Crosby slept with someone they fired years ago. My guess is that it's something to do with his drinking. It seems like the writers are setting up a drinking problem.

I had hoped the series would have a really long after that first season, and that in the end, Adam would be grandfather, after Haddie married someone she met in college.